Wednesday, January 19, 2022

 "i am off to see the wizzard... the wonderful wizzard of  OZ 2 "   

i feel i must------play teh henney penney.  and tell you  that indeed... the sky is falling--- at least the sky that is full of clouds  is raining down on us... big time.........
ustabee....... i could copy my computer :stuff" on a disk-- take it over to the guest house... and i knew what i had and where it was.--- and i worried about  all this float in the clouds back up strff they sold me.  every once in a while.  i would mentionn back up and was assured it was in teh cloud---well at the moment  i can not ask the cloud because i can not even turn on that computer.------.yesterday i spent 2 hours with a "supervisor" thpe apple repair. and did things i have never asked a computer to do.. -- after 2 hours, he finally got it to put that apple wioth the chunk ot of it on my screen-- and whiloe we were. waiting for a line to fill in.. i asked about this cloud bit.. and all he said was "welllllllllll"---and then he said maybe if i went to rockinghqam nh apple store their genius board coiuld see me at 11:20 next week....and "maybe they could...."  all othe genius bars were booked solid except boston and rockingham......
so world out there if you are thinking the cloud is going to help you even find  in which hemisphere your stuff is located.....  you apparently will have to take your computer to rockingham at 11:20  where you may speak to the is genius person for 4 minutes. while he says welllllll...... for a longtime so mr apple can cash his check.

you want to seriously  consider checking that little box that makes you "soo proud".   that you are "going green.....  "

 in apple's great wisdom.... could be someone at some board meeting said.  " they really don't need all that  paperwork anyway-- they just need to think they have it. and by the time they untangle the internet compass.... they will have some other pressing caqtaswtrophy... 
‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive,’ describes the domino effect of our computer world....  and right now... i am in that web....

well not me personlally because my comouter  only  has a bellyache.  but is functioning....  keep in mind... if mine stops ... i don't even have a mailing list to send out the notice..of no daqily doggie...   well maybe constant contact has that list...   but how do i contact them in the sea of passwords.. 

my screen is at 1/2  lighted---   so i am leaving it for today

 only excitement is masterson called and had some extra machine time today to put in a water pipe to tanners barn. which will make  cow ands quarentine cases easier to care fort.
