Tuesday, January 18, 2022

jann18 2022

those cara cara oranges are around. and worth finding.---- teh little sticker is 3110. -- shaws had tehm ROUND HERE...



if if I took all three computers down and said I think I have to re replace these I bet they'd pay attention I know when you go into the Toyota dealer and offer to buy three stores you get salesman tripping over each other to wait on you let's say if I can't work that at the apple storelike Haley drop me off there when they realize they're stuck with me until they fix it then maybe they'll do something about it like the ransom of red chief --   boy that's an old book I don't know is it even exists anymore I always liked the concept...

 large problem around here.  is is water and I've suggested we have a video conference whatever you call it zoom meeting with everybody on the topic of water new people you city people have no idea well the lack of water is like we have two sources of water here one is a well very deep very deep lot of water in it smells and tastes like rotten fish but it's healthy enough to drink the other source is Ipswich Town water which is excellent easily as good as the bottle of water you buy however if you lose electricity you lose the well and if you get enough ice around you lose the town water and the volunteers here really need to think about what it would be like have to try and improvise watering the dogs or horses because they're careless I have put in frostfree things that stick out of the house then it turns around it makes water what the hell faucets and all the buildings The funny thing it's about a foot long and it when you turn it off outside it basically drains down in or away or somehow it doesn't get frozen and it works fine as long as you don't attach a hose but once you attach a hose it doesn't work and the whole thing freezes and furthermore it could freeze in the wall which is what bud was worried about if it froze in the wall of the ICU building we'd fill up the walls of the building with water and we'd have one hell of a mess a simple thing take off take off the hose or just don't use the hose in the first place it sounds so simple so I went and tried to the Oh dear where to start the the faucet coming out of the ICU building that's hooked up to the tub of water which does most of the livestock except for the ones that are afraid to get on the icy pad but any rate it has a four prong distribution for four hoses to go four different places and we had awful time getting people to undo that which they finally did and Matt took that four prong thing off and just had the one hose attached which that was enough to make it go bad but that's a key out there is full of junk and nobody has emptied it broken glass all sorts of things in that sink it's disgraceful it's graceful... all of this has caused really by the fact that I can't get down there to check on everybody any tiny little details that makes such a big different I can see it piling up the the T10 is full of heaven knows what there's a bed on its side I don't know what that's all about it's possible to start a fire and sit on there if you sit at the table the tables are full of everything..  and the volunteers they're doing a hell of a job but they did more training they need they need more experience and xperience is what you get from having bad experiences and I think that's happening here... 


OK I remember...  the guy in New York State with the six black draft horses from which we bought 2 his draft horses were kept in the bar in the bottom of his barn on the dirt floor and they they stood in a straight stall he had all the windows covered with brown paper so that they stayed black that's another story but any rate he took them out three times a day and let him drink all the water they wanted out of a central watering truth that worked very nicely they were used to it and it worked ours aren't nobody at d trained that well but certainly if they have all the water they could drink three times a day they probably would survive at least his did...  but to get them watered if you've gotten frozen pipes it just ain't gonna work all those faucets outside kennels one to 10 I had all rigged up with removable hoses so that be corrected correct drainage somebody removed all the hoses replaced it with something else that doesn't work and we're beginning to have frozen pipes there..  a split pipe spraying cold water all over some dog is the vision that I live with. we had frozen pipes under the kitchen sink luckily we noticed it quickly and got out the hair dryers with the appreciation of running water it's something that needs a lot of consideration on the part of every person on this property we lose water I can't do a damn thing about it and sometimes it involves understanding how these faucets work in order to keep them running I had everything everything organized this fall but by the time you changed plumbing and changed hoses and changed change things I don't know what's going on and it makes me very nervous among other things nerves or by   downfall.


Newspaper----  0

tomorrow is the second installment of life on crazy acres with the new litter of puppies I inadvertently santin apparently 660.  word words and I didn't know I was only supposed to use 40  so I don't know what they're printing we find out when we get there at any rate 400 is what I'm supposed to be aiming for now that I know and somebody has just come up with a very good cartoon to end with so i don't know what they're printing . with a pup trying to get up on the bed and it's even harder zontal move up----oh boys harder zontal. 4 horizontal???? I'll let that go


getting back to 3 defunct computerws goign to the apple stor3e.... I just thought with my transfer chair wheelchairs sort of thing I can put at least two of these computers on that chair and manage very nicely and give them the computers or sit down in the chair I I'm beginning to think that's a good thing to do

 Lynn where are you?