Sunday, January 30, 2022

 JAN 30 22

hippo birdies 2 J9
. i think i like not going out to plow--- olivers owner said he wopiu;d copme clear for parking early. and cici's owners said they would bring the troops for shoveling,.
other news. ciciis ready to quit nursing... i think they can take her home and watch if she gets uncomfortable b. bring her back for a quick drain...

stocking news to pass on.....
my horse shipping boots were considerably warmer than my collection of heavy sox

she who does not get out and abot has little to report=
if i knew teh configuration of the seats in a forerunner. i could get the one behind the drivers seat removed fo easy senry for ageing dogs. i remember..... when i asked someone to remove the one in my sequoia the "GUY" hesitated and told me i was reducing it's reesale value-- i rememberr saying... if that's all that happens to it i will be very lucky. -- my cars have always lead a tough life with me... i consider a car more of a tool. than any status symbol- and a house is where you keep warm and dry,

i do not know if this is 100%. but it seems to me in gerrm,any the house was right up t o the sidiewalk and all the grass was out back with any livestock on it. 
 here the front yard is masses of greenery sprayed with week killer ---- a big p[art of my life has bee to keep my livestock off all the neighbor's lwans..

i have a front yard story. some of you know it.. sorry...   
 While out delivering magazines one day in July probably I went by a house where there was a spotted pony tide to a tree and there was a water bucket that was tipped over----- it was a hot day and I passed that on my way out to deliver magazines and on the way back about four hours later same thing ----terrible skinny looking pony and a water bucket tipped over so I went to the house I mean it's it's not the kind of thing where I would bother calling the SPCA because I don't know what they do about it but any rate I went up and knocked on the door and asked what they want to sell a pony and they said yes it wasn't it didn't want it at all or whatever so I gave him $25 and went home and got the trailer came and picked up the pony--

 the pony was in such bad shape at first starters I left it on the trailer because I had a I had a barn full of  4H.  kids horses and I didn't wanna put that pony in with the rest because it was so so sickly looking ------it's where I got the opinion that if there was anything wrong with it it would have died because it had no reserve ------but anyway that pony lived in the trailer for a little bit and I had there was one place about that property which I was not used was the front yard so I very quickly build A1 car garage size building extremely cheaply it seems to me I used two by threes instead of two by fours even and the plywood was it wasn't texture 111 it was 1/4 inch thin paper thin plywood etc enough to hold up the paint is what everybody said ------any rate I put it at the head of the driveway and we fenced in I fenced in the front yard more or less and finally put the pony that was the pony stall I think we named it "bones". any rate the kids worked on it---- cleaned it up and fed it did the horsemanship type things that one has to do like food clean hay stuff like that we we we floated its teeth and then its feet and all that stuff and it turned out to be a nice Little Pony but that was the one time in my life the SPCA came roaring up the driveway and accused me of causing that pony to be in that shape and they only came around when they saw the rest of the barn kept very nicely the other part of that story is that everybody said that that shed was never going to last is it really it really was done by me and very cheap and it is still standing there today got 100 coaches are paid on it probably I'm trying to figure when that my kids would have been about 10 years old and there that 50 is so you know that shed has been there a long time.-----
 as for the pony we gave the pony to another kid who joined my 4H club==== he lived out on Main Street and the one thing I remember about it was that he had one of those swings it goes from tree to tree and you grab hold of it and you know and swing the 100 feet or whatever between the two trees and I got called one day to come down and help because the pony got stuck in that swing and that's the only thing I remember about the pony other than the fact it did horse shows here are there -- itis where i learned that in the horse world of glamourizing horses-- everybody wanted to ride one-- riding. stgables were all over.  $5 an hour. and any nice horse would be overworked for probably not killing someone and not feeding much was another way to slow them down. 

NOW WE ARE.  doing much the same thing with some of the things Janine brings home from penna.