Thursday, January 6, 2022

 everybody is all excited about snow.... but my topsfield says 1 to 3 inches-- one good sneeze and we wont need to plow...well it would be tractor plow----my rats nest of a car is still in the toyota hosspital--


i heard trucks come and go last night so horses did maybe go to meridith...hopefully   mr and mrs meridith farm like being entertained with janine's horse  episode.

i also heard some pounding on the house yesterday afternoon... i was told our rat man company was here...  i don't know why he woudl be"closing all teh holes where they can get in....they are here... if he closed holes, he locked them in far as i know only teh 2 rats we caught have been "deaded" by our traps.

alot of tiems in farming, you can't hire someone to do  job...  because the jobs are so specific that  if there were experts in  that "field". they would have had to become experts working at 2 cents an hour.. so they went into garage door repair instead...


closely related to   ' a mechanic". ----  you can't hardly find one any more...... we have parts replacers your car  into this computer  and it will print out any problem.. like... your front left tire is flat... so who doesn't looks at the red notice on the dash???? letme tell you.... teh littel red notice ws no longr red due to the fact tht rats teeth continue to crow so they need to wear them off on something.. like toyota wires..... which are currently made out of   "soy". rat food....(per some article in los angeles...)


kan't win... but i'll keep swimming...


speaking of my spelling abilities-- i went to see mr editor of teh local paper.. and he thought he would like my long skinney weeky article about what we do to arrive at a well trained service dog..... in about a year... like 52 articles... to take teh pup from spoon feeding to perfect service dog....

me?  thats maybe 52 days of sitting in front of the nice warm fire..... with pen and paper.. short jabs at truth and a cartoon... i must be able to do one a day and be done by the time the weather breaks,,,,


i think it was teh explaing of why we have deloris in teh first place-- and then how detailed we can be  by insisting she have a clothes change....... yhat sold thei idea tothe editor..


i did suggest to make it more interesting we could --- once in a while-- print my article with origional spelling...   as it has been compared to teh ny times crossword for challanges.


trouble.  here is i ge to this point in the dd and my frst cupp is wearing off and head is nodding... waiting for matt to come back with a cuppa..... hi test ltite thank heaven he hs had year of experience doing stalls and unfreezing water buckets—so I don’t have to do a thing....... altho ... i did tell him of  my 4h club. and their approach to frozen water spickets...  every 4h kid carries abit a cup of warm wateron their "person"

our members were all girls. So sometimes collection was critical...  it saved a trip of running back to the house for some warm water to unfreeze the spicket....

and todays’ news might be more intereting than usual--- same fireplace... same load of firewood..  they say.  March will be better...  I will wait..

well I might get over to meridith to see just what uber looks like—and needs.. so I can come bqck and dial  up amazon....

and to. keep trying foro ms moon... i now have 42 chinese companies on my list.  HALEY-----WHERE ART THOU