Saturday, January 29, 2022

jan 29 ,22 

my article is is on importing  stud dogs...
and snow looks angry but only 2 inches so far

with a bobcat and the 2 tractors i think we should manage..  i will watch from my fireplace
i think lynn's yardstick is tied to the swing set so you can tell the depth.  currentkt we are only about 3 inches
and light fluffy at the moment... if it stays that way we might not loose things like the donkey cafe-- or heaven forbidd--- the arena

i gave up on the car til monday.  

we did get a message from itpwoich. lynn thoght it was jst a parking ban
i thought it said somethign about "stay home" entirely. whatever -- we have a few coming  here to stay overnight

i wonder if that qualifies me for assisted living.... 
i know the town has me on some list because a couple times a year someone sends me a loaf of bannana bread.
 when i was a kwid-- you  had your own rfelaives to "look afte4r" one of my chores was to go round the corner 
and see if my grandparents needed anything..  it must have taken jme 3 minutes to run there but,......but... what????
i can see that problem all over service dog project.... if it ain't on my list.    i will spend 20 minutes trung to get
 someone else to do a job which would gtake me less that 30 seconds.

it is endemic ( is that a word?)i have watched as the simplest of chores--- change a lightbulb---- slide down
 to the most capable - who's talents really shoud be spent on orther things... namely bud-- i can not tell you how many kids
 i ave said to. "if you nave nothing else to do   follow bud around and learn somethen,

the kids do not seem to have a starting place. 
   teh local agri tech school  starts them off with how and why you need to change a spark plugd 
when they don' t know about how to use a wrench
and here i am complaining because i know about wwrenches and
 spoark plus but i  can not fine enough clear space to work on  it..

about the worst thing to say to me is "would you look over tht form... i put it on you r desk"
someday i wiollo do an enteir dd of the stuff on my desk.
including a tiny jar of sugar in case sodmeone does not overload my coffee...

i think you all have enough entertainment by watching our world fill up withsnow...
i am going on firewood detail