Tuesday, November 9, 2021

nov 9 2021


INow Speaking of the soup in the pot ------Thanksgiving is coming and usually what we do is have one or two turkeys here depending on how many people will be around -----we are a long way from a sit down formal dinner ----it is more a walk around eating.... with pie aand whipped cream....-we try and have all the accoutrements ( is that a word..).. so anyone who has at least bought one chicken brick in their life is welcome to come and bring whatever relatives it seems necessary to bring------ all I would like is some sort of count as to how many people might be here..   and ....?cook????? no... spinoni’s will provide everything down to the cranberry relish. All in a big box...... and occasionally we have had to have 2 boxes... whatever....

Thanksgiving is the time
We try and have the calendars finished for handing out/ selling.... amd
 I do try and get my income taxes done for 7  years previous.... well not 7 but I do know that .... to a point, they are not as fussy about the paperwoek as long as you pay the money---so I try and be sure then I overpay slightly because they can get very mad if the money is short----- I've been this road a few times. I don't have any real problem with the IRS it is possible to argue with them and win.. and lose..

there is or at least there was a provision in the income tax where any travel expenses you had between offices was deductible and commuting was not..
when I found that out ------I set up the backroom which is now called the condo as a medical office where Tom could see patients because he actually did see patients at home------ people always to come in and I always have that factor life with the position----- so therefore he would be traveling between the his office here in the house and his office there in some other building like the hospital that was totally legal except the guy auditing us that year said
 “don't push it “  so I did not push it and got fined $320 for the effort..

so now with cov.  and everyone working from home I don't know what the rule is or how in any way you could tweak it to your advantage.. one other fact I do know is that it is your legal responsibility to at least attempt to use all the deductions to which you might be intitled.. if you forget one of these deductions it's not up to the IRS to remind you about it even in the middle of an audit if you've forgotten one child they're not going to tell you.  so much for the topic of my life with the IRS well,....   there is one more complication --- an auditor once said to me I never have yet see the doctor's wife delivering magazines... to which I replied “well you have now”... all those deductions regarding magazine delivery were piled on top of expenses like purchasing cockroaches... or  hiring BU students.. to  the shampoo cows... it's things like that that kept kicking our return out of the pile there's somebody  to say I don't believe this and then they come and visit us and then they would believe it. no problem

speaking of selling calendars .. and things out of the doggie bag......
My rock project took a leap forward yesterday I had2 penholders done between me and the kid whose name I don't know ----so I took one of them to Bentley Warren rock company because I needed to get another bucket of their little rocks ....... I went into the office and gave a pen tower which is what I guess I'm going to call. Them. to one of the secretaries there who immdially showed it too the owner cwho  immediately said I've got three more people who's gonna need one of these... and I said I would try and get it to them very quickly so I now have one made I gave all the parts of making Penn towers do the little girl for her to take home to Haverhill in a very cute little satchel and hopefully she'll at least bring one back tomorrow which gives me one more to do today she actually her’s are  much better one than I did last time -------I hope she thinks it's fun so I don't get stuck making little pen towers.. there's a lot to gluing these things together first of which is to get them clean and dirt free there's very little with the rocks besides just rocks but there's enough so that you really do need to wash them before you use them well then how do you dry them in a bunch so they don't get moldy and things and it can get complicated which right now involves a bath towel and a hair dryer

They are interesting pen holders... and might just “make it” to the doggie bag. 

that trick horse video from yesterday was really worht the look....