Monday, November 15, 2021

nov 15 2021


Usually--- a “hunter pace”is a day when you get all cleaned up – clean horse—but not formal “attire”of black coats etc..e. clean will do... and go for a predetermined gallop thru the woods- overfences and stone walls... one person.. one horse... sounds simple.. unless you have friends who want. To ride.. – in janine’s case--- 4 horses. 2 trailerrs—her truck.. and my car.. and a bicycle????  Betsy— SCARLOTT’S mom is a rider of the oloden days and wanted to go... so she was one— riding lincoln ( who has lived here long ago). and her c ar does not pull a trailer—she had to borrow mine—which pulls trailers nicely, but is also my office.  ,bedroom,   restaurant, and toolshop –and I got her’s a lovely clean new car with buttons to do things I never thought possible.
Firstly. it tells you how many more miles you have in the gas tank –not much—so I got some...and this lovely car went on to tel me. That going forward and backward in my yard was taking 1.3 gallons per 3 hour.s.. with the heat on.... I did not think that was bad... even at 4.59 a gallon. I had stereo , warm comfort for 3 hr about $6.00.  or $2 per hour.
I have often wondered if the USA  will ever get to the one person”cubbyhole with tv.....   sleeping araingements like in japan   because....our local hospital ---basically a building with. Hundreds of “ one room and a bathroom.”  .has now been stripped of all it’s windows..... and I wonder what is next.....—all that plumbing and all people who really would be thrilled to have one room and a bath.. this is also about what I live in now.... with 300 pounds of dogs....   well... with a lot  attached....
I know some exceedingly wealthy people who have huge mansions.. who.  basically live in one room, but heat the entire house... crazy.
And yet builders build—so towns can tax-- 
Gets me wondering what is the largest number of people who have slept here on one night. between caboose and tipi..... ..... a lot...
On this street was an oversized one car garage—to which was added a porch---and was locally called the “grandpa house” to which ( 30 years later) they have added a second story to the tiny footprint.. ....looks to me  like mom and pop have moved to grandpas house.. and the married children with and without jobs have come home to live cheaply...
These “tiny houses “ fascinate me... less to clean... or heat... what I need is a mamouth unheated storage facility attached... like the barn/arena???
I have more than. Few unfinished projects... the most inconvenient is the Bentley footprint which involves an industrial size roll of white paper.. and the printed is cut into footprint size squares—with postage being what it is. I had planned on sending a footprint with some mailing –long forgotten--- the.  miles and miles of rope... on spools—cranking out monkey fists of all sized pretty regularly from the 1” zipper pulls to the 8 inch mannilla rope they go.. I have purchased and sold most of so far 2700 little   brass. snaps for the zipper pulls...i give a lot away... like in the hospital... any nurse who comes and takes my temo... gets a zipper pull...
Mixing the 2 florida pups with the one from georgid demandds a puppy sitter.. Georgia is too dominant for the moment...
On camera....-- I must get some order in that you will see me... and hopefull realize  biting is not to be done in polite society.

hey anybody---like retired person with knowledge of drills and hammers.... we need help... seriously ....