Friday, November 19, 2021

nov 19 2021

 Next????  keeping my eye on the wheel....makes for  a darn bleary eye !!

this is mostly to the camera comment crowd....... about targeting people..... thankfully  i had dozens...?hundreds?? of "hang in there".  messages.  the hardest part of these cameras is that you see just enough to form  a strong opinion without having enough experience  to understand why things happen..

i do not do facebook-- and rarely have time to go back over comments-- however .... last night. something got rolling  on the comments about the handling of puppies overnight- problem was they had the wrong person.. and  she got so upset knowing there  was a whole army of people blaming her for somethign she had not done that she couod not come in for overnight-- which is why the pups were taken elsewhere for overnight.... to be. honest i do not know which pup went where.... or both together.

that is a perfect example of.....i have to explain every detail or.  there is a small crowd who will say i am hiding the not accuse me of being dishonest... i do not know where the pups are. i am sure they will be back this morning...  do you have any idea what it is like to have to defend every motion so that. someone does not distort a simple thing. and cause great harm to  a targeted person-  like our poor overnight person. who was doing a great job ..

commenting ----- good or bad.....on how staff behaves or plans to behave is not the business of  people watching cameras  in  the middle of the night. or morning... or afternoon... or evening... (just to appease other tie zones who complained the were not given enough recognition )--

i thought janine did a super job of trying to explain what happened  with victor.... and yes... we were not immediately truthful. just out of sheer panic becasue of the danger which the internet could cause.... and has caused...   
take the comment...... "should have had a post on victor. in case he had a brain tumor..."    there may be governmental grants of  $300,000 to study tumors in dogs.... we do not have one of those-- SO WE can not spend our donations on something of no value to the production of service dogs-- which is our goal.. 
 now the large turn of the wheel.... practically everything  at sdp is interconnected-- so that any changes can be far more complicated that  any sane person would  expect... teh whole place shook when lynn moved her office to the laundry building--  all of a sudden.. heat.. light.. water consumption... parking and internet connection had to be addressed... 

 well we have other changes in mind... and can not possibly keep you all abreast of every detail or change in detail..------ our minds can change  as the details are uncovered..or just -change..... so please.relax... and give us a chance to think  and study the  posibilities...   ..

and keep in mind... our goal is simply helping people by training more perfect service dogs -- as we have done in the past...