Tuesday, November 30, 2021

 nov 30 2021

yesterday in my monkey fisting mode,,, i gave a zipper pull one to one of the kids who is sent here by the state to "learn a job". -- and she immedately said "now i am a member of the family". hmmmmmmm. interesting... so i made sure everyone in the yard had a mf on their jacket--- inclusion and exclusion are a very interesting study... exploited by teh facebook process of. friending /unfriending.---- there is some ratio i am sure..--- it is a dangerous place...  you need to have 3000 friends to balance in. case  you have one enemy. better yet. don't stick you neck out and just keep praying it comes out right in the end...

it is cold- ?like you didn't notice?-- that means what did we forget to get in out of the cold???? like ---the case of oranges ( yes). the presure washer (npt yet)???? like all the places with 4 hoses hooked to one outlet...and all hoses must be laid flat so the one little drip does not gather friends and make a1/2 inch block of ice in an otherwise empty hose...-- then there is the pond... and the thin ice...shades of pushing janine out on the ice to rescue a stud dog ( i forgot who)she did get him out... and was very wet... gates must be locked,,,,  guinnea hens only.... drag my snow plow toi the front if the gqrage.... it hooks to my car... in the front... with the typical horse trailer hitch.  
snow plow. with up down---- right left-- in a heated car is a real luxury -- gone are the days of a small kabota with no cab and a moving blanket and leather flying helmet.-- i always wanted to plow snow with a team of draft horses..... but never got to it.... you can not understand horse power unless you have driven. a team.

there was a guy.......
in middle new york-- dairy farmer-- had an older team of black draft horse... dick and duke... duke was teh steadiest horsse i have ever met...  dick was "showy".  they were-- we were told...the lead tema of teh walt disney hitch in florida--- i  dont doubt it...funny guy-- talked about traininbg new drqaft horses. by spreading manure... if they behaved they went around th e hill.  if they didn't they went up and down the hill... 
We bought them and had fun wit them—becuse they were  sooooooo reliable.... it was when we were”developing’ this p;ace/// and I loved to practice dragging logs around with duke--  if duke was not so welll.  trained, I would have only one leg... as he was pulling a log (....aka piece of huge tree.....)... up to a pile near teh guest house... and i slipped just enough to get my leg between the log and a tree stump-- i yelled whoa... and he planted his 4 feet and never moved til. i got organized. we had a friend who knew draft horses.. so my husband drove those in parades when i drove my 8 hitch of donkeys.

we had so much fun with dick and duke that we went to a draft horse auction and bought 2 pregnant mares.... beautiful grey mares... and we found out when at horse auctions. you bid on one and pay for the pair-- so when i went to wrte the check it was not.  $3500 but $7000

this computer is ill today...better shuffle on...

please--- chicken bricks----------don't forget????