Saturday, November 13, 2021

nov 13 2021



Changing to dictation certainly makes for some interesting mistakes Germany that is the dog Jim is one of the more interesting mistakes I got some but not all


Wilson has gotten out of hand he has had far too much of people just sitting there patting him talking to him like he's a perfect Angel and he's not --------he's a demon with sharp teeth and he's now biting people I'm sorry to say----- part of it's my fault for not paying attention and taking the responsibility of giving him a heavy hand literally saying we do not like being bitten ------his mother would have done it for him and if -SHE--was still here the mother would ordinarily take a pup by the neck skin of the neck push him down on the ground and immediately turn him loose and walk away leaving the puppy to say---- Oh my that didn't that didn't work out the way I thought it was going to workout------- and making them think about what they're doing ------having no mother here and having a whole bunch of overnight people and volunteers who really want to be very kind to the puppies -----you can't be kind all the time if they are obnoxious you have to be obnoxious----- and I know that there are people who are gonna tell me I'm wrong and I should sit there and say please don't do that let me give you a cookie or whatever ------and then you end up with what we have now---- who's damn near vicious ----and drew blood yesterday on me ----that's not to be done------ so I certainly would never beat a dog but I will explain to them that I don't like that and I will get ahold of whatever part of the dog I can----- I'm 83 four whatever and I cannot bend down and very carefully put a collar on them early show or whatever and ask them to come out and sit in the middle of the room so I could know if they're going to crawl under a bed and all I could reach the back of their skin of the neck then they're going to come So what I'm going to use they've got to come out at be told by by grabbing their nose AND their mouth and keeping their mouth shut but that kind of behavior is just plain not acceptable -------and I did that to them last night and turned around panicking because I didn't realize the camera was on me and that somebody in the camera world could easily pull that out of the way and say look she dragging puppies around by one leg and hitting them well I didn't hit her but nonetheless I told her I did not like getting bitten afterwhich she lay down and took a nap ------and Linda sitting there watching the whole thing said Oh my God the camera was on you -----which you know ----I'm saving the dog from being euthanized as an idiot ------the dog has got to   Be told that using teeth on people is absolutely not acceptable and if you want to sit and read and I spoke to them and explain that to him you go right ahead------ but you better have band aids with you because this dog has become pain in the neck with teeth.

LINDA EQUATED IT TO A 2 YEar old child with a temper tantrum...   exhausted afterwards...    all well and good- but a child’s teeth are not pointy things  like ppppies... 


Thankfully the cp’s gave my action  some “30  up arrows” as approval...  but it takes only one to distort as I  drag the pup from under the sofa...-  I work with what I have got...and at 84 my mobility is challenged and I can suffer.  an attack by anyone with ulterior motives....  I will go back today to enforce what the pup may not understand.... and that. May become “active “ too as I fully expct the pup to try things to see if he gets the same reaction... and he will—then eventually stop that action... That's how it usually works but I've got to literally put my foot down....... mouthing people are chewing on them that's a bad thing ....very bad.


From the top---we must reduce the number of hours any pup here spends time looking through some kind of barrier and wanting to be someplace else.. and I think Wilson has that as his basic problem----- he should be let out to roam the first floor of this house with someone watching him----   we have someone basically with him 24 hours a day and when he sleeps you do other chores ----and when he's  awake you pay attention to him and you take him out into the sunshine or a place where there's no barrier between him and what he might think is interesting ------I think that's his basic problem -----he needs to be out in the what we call car lot or walk down to the new puppy pen with a TP and be around other people and animals and dogs and things like that ------but he's behind some barrier   or another and just can stand up and bark in frustration and that's what I don't like and that's what the neighbors don't like is that frustration barking that can happen if the dogs aren't managed correctly ------so I basically blame Wilson's problem our management we know better so let's get him out of here we're going around outside put a few more miles on him.... and think about him from the dog standpoint. It just takes a little different planning and now that we have two others it takes a little more planning..


listen to the youtube while doing the lyrics it kind of works the sdp is tricky but it works lol---------BY BLB82---?

On the first day of Christmas SDP sent to me: A bottle of puppy breath

On the second day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

On the third day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Three goats head butting Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

On the fourth day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Four house dogs sleeping Three goats head butting Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

On the fifth day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Five Monkey Fists Four house dogs sleeping Three goats head butting Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

On the sixth day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Six days of Mail Call : Five Monkey Fists Four house dogs sleeping Three goats head butting Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

On the seventh day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Seven Guinea Hens Six days of Mail Call : Five Monkey Fists Four house dogs sleeping Three goats head butting Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

On the eighth day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Eight Fluffy Blankets Seven Guinea Hens Six days of Mail Call : Five Monkey Fists Four house dogs sleeping Three goats head butting Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

On the ninth day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Nine puppies training Eight Fluffy Blankets Seven Guinea Hens Six days of Mail Call : Five Monkey Fists Four house dogs sleeping Three goats head butting Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

On the tenth day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Ten Boxes of poo pickers Nine puppies training Eight Fluffy Blankets Seven Guinea Hens Six days of Mail Call : Five Monkey Fists Four house dogs sleeping Three goats head butting Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

On the eleventh day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Eleven trainers calling Ten Boxes of poo pickers Nine puppies training Eight Fluffy Blankets Seven Guinea Hens Six days of Mail Call : Five Monkey Fists Four house dogs sleeping Three goats head butting Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

On the twelfth day of Christmas SDP sent to me: Twelve months of shatting Eleven trainers calling Ten Boxes of poo pickers Nine puppies training Eight Fluffy Blankets Seven Guinea Hens Six days of Mail Call : Five Monkey Fists Four house dogs sleeping Three goats head butting Two Loving Zebus and A bottle of puppy breath

hey karen we need your help.....