Wednesday, November 10, 2021

nov 10 2021

pickup day. 2 pups to go..... i trust we are all on schedule--- the pups are to be. picked up today and will take 2 days travel to get here,,,  that. makes it will be educational to have  different pups raiserd. to 10 weeks differently...

My how times are a changing------ my mother used to talk about whipping her children into shape -------that would have been me and two sisters ----   and as I had children and they became her grandchildren that was an expression she used at that point too ------whipping ones children into shape -----and that would have been Janine and Gwenn however nowadays ---I wouldn't dare say I was going to whip the puppies into shape because they would have---- somebody would have the Humane Society at my door to see exactly what I was doing using an expression like that--- it  is just not to be done anymore ------I had the Department of Social services no deartement of children services here once------ actually I've had the Humane Society here a lot of times they always wanted to check on exactly what I did in the process of making commercials so that they could put the little sticker on the flyer that said no animals are hurt in the making of this movie --------so very often after the  movie the filming was over they would appear to check on the animals that I had used to make sure they were fine -------with the possible exception of the cockroaches for the next karate kid -----go to the only animals I ever didn't havr...   I set  fired a shoebox in the parking lot-------???? was I supposed to take them back to the restaurant and turn them loose where i had got htem???? that sticker on a movie was worth millions of dollars so as strange as it sounds .. thei animal episodes was a big deal.....

  know any rate where was I Oh yes I have had the Humane Society here many times one of the more amusing ones was after a gig at the prudential tower where I had to have 100 baby chickens you've heard this story before about chickens are hatched at the big hatcheries out in Idaho or wherever----- they're hatched on a Monday their sex tan packaged on a Tuesday and put in the mail and you'll get them either Wednesday or Thursday in the overnight mail from the post office and they basically are living that time on the yolk that was in the egg and they all survived very nicely however I ordered 100 chickens for a job to be done on a Saturday at the prudential well I had to keep them alive from the Thursday Friday Saturday and that was primarily keeping them warm because at that age I think it's like 95 degrees to start with then you go down 5 degrees a day something like that at any rate the only place I could keep the chickens was in my bathroom and I do have a photograph somewhere of my husband in shorts shaving with 100 chickens around his feet didn't matter it was a job I don't know where the photo is by the way so we did the job on a Saturday at the prudential tower and they followed me home two people from I believe it was SPCA followed me home to count the chickens make sure that no one had stolen the chickens well we were at the Pru I was very careful about that and all I had to do was hire an extra person out of janine's college friends and give them $100 to babysit those chickens all day it was a brutal job but any rate they always did it they always did it well thankfully because when they SPCA came to count those chickens they counted and they counted and they counted I know what was going on I thought Oh my God I would last one as it turns out they kept getting 102 out of my 100 chickens so I was saved... i donated them to a chicken. farm.. 

 where was I going

There were two other occurrences like can remember one had to do with a whole bunch of pigeons that was the director of that one was Clint Eastwood=== the make my day guy---- and that was filmed down South of Boston now at this point when you use pigeons in the commercial/movie.... you had to have them banded and throw him up in the air they all went home ----nmost of the time----    at any rate this one filming down there I don't know the name of the movie something about a river maybe I don't know the pigeons didn't all go home and they had one pigeon hanging around one of the trees down there in this park and it had a band on its leg so I had to go and retrieve it all the way back from north of Boston it was about a 50 mile drive but I had to go back and get the one pigeon out of the tree which I did I always did what I was supposed to.  the the other one which drew comments was ...  a shot where it required I have a dog lay flat out at the bottom of 6 foot hole like it was being buried rather simple request they had a backhoe there at the shot and they just dug a hole with a ramp I walked the dog down into the hole add or lay down it was Ellie -----Ellie was a great big harlekin dog one of my first one of the ones in the big hitch of eight add and lay down and stay there and I walked out the hole and she stayed there and then when they started to throw dirt down they didn't throw it on her they threw it beside her while I screamed stay and she did very well and the SPCA at that point said "we're going to stop watching you after you pull this off'".  cause theyhought i wouold need tranquilizer....   could see that if I planned ahead I could get things done usually 


this  story. was  going 2 grandson colbys other grandparents.......colbys other grandparents who were very protective of Colby as a young child ----a little more so than I -----at any rate it was when I had marry the donkey here and Mary had had a way of getting into the guest house building where Janine and Colby were living and this got confusing 'cause she was about 700 and 800 pounds so Janine rigged the electric fence across the door so that Mary would stop trying to get in the guest house and it was working very nicely I didn't see anything particularly wrong with it all the other grandparents just read that as electrifying the door going to hurt the child well they didn't touch the electricity wouldn't go to hurt him but those things do ZAP and they're not nice but they you know touch it again I don't think he ever touched it I don't know at any rate they called the Department of Children services because I had electrified the door and they thought it was to keep Colby out -----at which point a man and a woman arrived on the driveway they were here to check on the electrifying of the door and the minute they got in the driveway course Mary was right there sticking her head in the passenger window ----- her head was what 3 foot long it was it was a big animal and I quickly explained that she was getting into the same building that they were living in and we were just trying to keep the donkey out of the building they had a good laugh at the whole thing and went away I don't know that Colby ever touched that or not when they when my children were younger in Lynnfield if I was down in the backfield and I wanted to know if the fence was on------- I could pay them $0.25 and they'd touch it for me--- worked fine with a piece off grass to test it.

 worked out


Nowadays I couldn't even joke about whipping the child into place or somebody would report me to someone that I've been in all kinds of trouble.. when in fact the whip that I use around here is most often a fly swatter or wiffle bat--------    I don't think I even own a whip ------I don't think I do ------the flyswatter and the wiffle bat work very nicely object is to startle an animal OK I'm leaving bye.let me correct-- there  are 2 whipw-- one is matts to get horses used to the noise-- guns rtc... the other is a whip -- a carriage whip that came witht he 3 carriages from newyour... and stored somewhere... 

84 and counting

 i need a photo for the t-tent....