Thursday, October 21, 2021

oct 21 2021

 i'm. slightly  better---- i still can not easily  check for traffic at an intersection...having spent the afternoon mostly .. not in bed... but on bed.... watchine verizon's channel 134 (?maybe smithsonian. or nal't geo?) two topics ------a huge  candy making factory in britain.. from jelly beans to lolly pops---  the mechanization of a lolly pop was fascinating--- then we got to the ruination of the cod/fishing industry by  overfishing--  we were doing fine in row boats and sail boats-- but then found that sonar in ships teh size of teh queen elizabeth  was easier, more profitable and horrendously short sighted.  if teh  industry at that point made it illegal to sell girl fishes-- or better yet-- passed the rumor around that eating girl cod was detramental to  a man's  urge to recreate so many more people who w ould then be  needing the cod for dinner.---would have saved teh entire cod industry...

all that got us to fish farming--   

blue. something or other--- in the Caribbean-- 8 miles from  shore--- monstrous"double pyramid" shapped netting... baby fishes hatched on shore  and transported to a open hatch at the top of this pyramid --- --- then came the interesting part... for me...  ok so how do you feed them????  turns out.. another ship rigged with   tons of what looks like dog food pellets. makes teh round daily - spewing tons of pellets while baby fishes get all excited and gather round-- it was applying some things  i am familiar with to a whole new industry.... somewhat like the commercial hatching of chickens.--  things like..... if a motor broke down and they were 4 hours late... the fish would startt eating each other... and at $300,000 a netfull could be detrimental to business..

but the real problem of the story-- unresolved to me... what  is the size.. or consistency of fish poo---in relation to the size of the holes in the net and the pellets they were feeding????
kept me entertained...
the concept of easier/ more profitable. vs. short sighted. pertains to more than the cod industry------- try physics.. for ever action there is a equal and opposite reaction...
i  did hear of one lumber company planting a tree for every one they cut down-- at least a start-- maybe 100 years out of whack.. but a start..

farm report
 i  have located our painted lady... she was at ann's  ( groton house)--  i was told to go get her-- and one other... so with matt following  teh trailer we started for groton house.. ar roult 1-- this is teh road from nmaine to florida.. i stopped at the light only to have someone bang on my window to tell me. "pick up the male too".  how or why janine was at the same stop light at that moment, i do not know-- but matt did find our painted  donkey-- along with a spotted male-- both now in a pasture at meridith resaved for questionable snifiley noses.

while i was gone. teh purina delivery arrived-- i wqs told it was just teh wet-- one pallet. 1100 pounds which is more than the tractor will lift-- so they deloiverof a dropped tailgate on the ground leves and we deal...
turns out it was also the 8 pallets of dry also. which does need the tractor to unload... luckily mark was here and is the usual tractor operator...   by the time i got home it was all stashed  away...   all 192 bags of it-- i have only to get the 8 pallets to the street where someone takews tehm....  teh purina pallets are very nice ones....... so they are gettting good use too.

i must teachfew mor people to be tractor savy