Monday, October 11, 2021

oct 11 2021

cp's continue many discussions-- and yesterday it was deep springs college in california -- where the students run the farm-- and where their graduates include winners of "the xxxx award"" kind of thing.. and where some of the faculty have phd's .... and some  don't.-- so we are back to--- what is college?? 4 years to grow up a bit???? was it kennedy who promoted peace corp instead of harvard?  ---- we have that with our puppies.  alot of them hit a stone wall where they just need a few months to get their heads on straight...
 we spoon feed to get thier attention in the first place ..  then they becone "canine good citizens" where they learn  at least don't offend humans. then they learn  to. forget alot of puppy horseplay. type things and decide the real fun is being able to function in any environment.... with an accent on the practical.... -- i am sure you could take any of our servce dogs and put them in a dog show-- and they would at least stand up and look pretty and trot on command.... without making a huge scene...   but could yo take a "show dog"  and have them behave perfectlly  while at a cocktail party ---  or extremely boring business meeting?  probably not. 

somewhere here.... i often use teh expression   they need to  "achieve boredum" where they recognize a temporary situation.. whether it is loud noises.. lying on a cold floor,...  riding a subway---- or standing motionless while an idiot like wanda barks and challanges them.. 

we have some dogs here now. who are in that pre pleasent type behvior...  i had a long discussion with janine-- who notices odd things...and she is right..... we have a few dogs who are still too enthusiastic abotu greeting people.... as she walks back and forth thru the arena she noticed there is a difference between accosted and greeted.. perfect example..... jiminey and larkey...---when fqaced with  new personin the arena... larkey says "oh goodie let me see what they smell like.. maybe tehy have cookies"   and jiminey " let me get there first and see if i can stop them in theiri tracks while i search them.  larkey' s happy dog approach is so much easier to deal with thant jiminey....=- andwhat has to happen is someone has to  run at jiminey to teach him to think before he runs at a human.... he is not agressive... he is just having a littlt too much fun..... being a big dog..

wellllll jiminey ... just a minute.....part of this is camera trouble....try this--- jiminey loves to run face first at anyone in the front door..... encouraged by chaos... noneof my yelling seems to stop him..--- you can say "please" just so long  before you have to explain  that is unacceptabe lbehavior..  so as i came in the front door...  i couljd hear jiminey winding up-- so i flew in the front door and chased him backwards grabbing him by the jowls and shaking his head -- while politely explaining... i did not approve tof that behavoirr....

and he will have  second thoughts before he does that again..... wonderful... except some of the camera people found that a bit too  exciting...and thought i should say please longer...-- i am my aqe... that is too big a dog for me to physically deal with by saying please for the next 4 years..he needed to be startled so he would stop and think better....or he is going to get left home.
 my    way of judging my action is it any worse than they do to each other?  i have been known to reprimand a pup by grabbing by the scruff of teh neck and pushing them to the ground... just like thier mothers do when the young pups are being bad..... .some of the newer camera people need to rethink.  please--- this is not abusive training...sometimes i need to do somethign quickly to avoid a disaster.... 
another example-- i gave moira a pretty good crack on her butt the other day as   she dove at wanda as she came thri the door.  ... intending to roll her over.... with my hand, i smacked her butt and she backed off and had second thoughts... and i thought "oh no... the camera people saw that.".. and we do have new people who might not understand....

please ... if you have any questions. please email me directly-- or lynn --- there are times when  we need to avoid somethign-- .a rule o thumb is always.... did anyone do anything that was worse than what they do to each other??? ---  
jiminey has not improved 100% yet... so i fully expect to show my disapproval to his enthusiastic greeting   many time s again....if anyone has any better ideas ... let me know-- jiminey is a cute little thing at 149 pounds.......