Friday, August 6, 2021

aug 6 2021

 so much to learn -- so little. mind to do it. ----- like now we have 2 web pages..... and i can not quickly locate either the chicken bricks or teh cameras and comments.i never had before an email  notice when anyone ordered soething on the web... i do now...  yesterday 133 people bought dogfewt shirts... 7 monkey fists and 3 anna puppy breaths.. i am thrilled to have you all still managing---add to that...  the mail call computer will not let me comment on explore.   i do not underwstnd---i am glad you all seem to.

 i am sorely reminded of the comment "i never know if i am on foot or horseback...."   now that does discribe "confused" pretty well.-------  
 i do own 2 of teh kind of clocks that tell me what day it is...-- absolutely necessary where pills are involved...-  i am not as bad yet as "howie portner"  a todler in a summer camp type place 80 years ago.  who had a note around his neck "please send me home at 3:30" or whatever...iiii.
 i do have a sign that says-"i have dogs in the car--- if i faint.. go and get them out of the car--- they are nice-- just big."  i don't opften leave them in the car... but there are times...
we did have a recipient put her dog in the back seat of a car, and shut the door-- then pass out before she opened the drivers door... luckily teh amvbulance peolpe noticed. but the potential for problem was huge-- so we have a 2 door policy.  open 2 doors--- insert dog..shut door 1.   ..... inserrt you.... shut second door...---
arlington ann was here sunday with her service dog--she is the one who had problems learning to work with the dog in the cemetry because of the squirrels--an greet lesson in learning to think more like your dog... she thought the cemetary was a quiet place to practice...-- where her dog thought mass general hospital was quiet because  it lacked squirrels.  a big lesson there.

phone call--- guinnea hens are at the post office--- good timine-- teh regular chicks are getting our with the normal hens... time to start q new batdh of guinneas...
jen may have well given me a gallon of black rasberry icecream and a spoon...i have gained 4 pounds in 2 days and i am not even 1/2 thru the gallon.
It is no joke that some animals are terrified of unknown things "chasing" behind them.  I had a wonderful Austrian Shepard who I always walked on the kind of leash that would let her walk about 15 feet away from me and would retract back into the handle as she returned.  Well, one day I dropped the handle and it retracted all the way back to her making a terrible scraping noise along the way.  My sweet Ginny took off, terrified of this loud plastic thing chasing her down the sidewalk.  Thank goodness she ran home, but she ran so far and hard that all of the pads on her feet were bloody.  My retractable leashes went into the trash that very day!
On stirrups:

English riders have several designs of "easy out" stirrups, the simplest/cheapesr being the Peacock (often required in Pony Club).  There is one with an S-shaped side, and another with a side that pops open, the most expensive (designed by a ski binding company).
Now there are Western stirrups with breakaway sides too.  Pretty expensive, but if one has ever been dragged, $$ becomes very unimportant. 
and don't rely on the stirrup bar; because they are flat, and the stirrup leather is being pulled from a downward angle, generally it does not come off.  And will not if someone has flipped up the ends of the bars!

The Wintec AP 500 English with the adjustable tree is a pretty secure saddle that Western riders usually like.  Easy to find used.
As to helmets:  mandated in all English sports now.  Much different designs than what you knew back in the day.  No rules about taking them off after a fall.  Cool and comfortable (just don't get black!)  Proper adjustment is critical, and must be replaced after a fall.  Last fact:  anyone who gets on a horse without one does not believe that they have anything needing protecting!
Just my .02 for today!
