Tuesday, August 17, 2021

aug 17 2021

this cowboy knows horses... it is fun to watch him do the simple things like fly spray----- with taxi--- who is new to most everything... he introduced the spray briefly, then sprayed everywhere except where teh saddle goes.--- intresting....   then he lassoed the fire hydrant nd had her back into a slight tension on the saddle, and just hold it-- i have alsways been fascinated by how these quarterhorses  do such complicated jobs  managing cattle...in the middle of the  wide open spaces. they become a 1000 pound object to which you can tie a cow and give shots or whatever...
taxi ( not a QH).  is kind of big to be teh quick clever quarterhorse, but she  has fire hydrants down pat now.-- actually he said she would be perfect for police work/ crowd control ..  imperturbable is the word....

on the same lines.... you think 12 acres is alot of land-- and it is. ( actually 11.65 acres).well..... i bought this saddle---- currently hanging behind my head at mail call.-- it is still there because no one can yet figure out where i can keep it-- the rest of the place is all dogs.......   maybe the hay loft??  ... but if i put it there, i would never  get it down to ride.

i have not been in the hay loft in years---- lynn told me someone is storing "stuff" up there-- haylofts have that horizontal surface problem of collecting "stuff". unfortunately..... in this case someone recognized that  climbing the ladder was  not high on my to do list.  i should run one of those auctions where someone makes an offer on the total contents of a rental space---becau\se teh owner did nto pay the rent...   well i have had no rent for this "lot" either... if possession is 9/10th of the law... maybe we should have a "open the mystery box game at dogfest...----
interesting headline of the day.........
US will investigate Tesla’s autopilot system after crashes.. boy am i  glad to hear that...  i don't have a lot of faith in driverless vehicles.. we already know they are a problem with  teh "text don't drive' concept many commuters have..--- my kids used to commute down 128-- and made a colletion of "things i have seen commuters doing....  to be added to the truck drivers collection---- sitting higher, they have better view.------ now if those truck diers wouold just set thier phone cmeras in the windo at teh right angle---one quick trip 6 to 8 am  on 128.  and they wouold have a book. in the making-- big time.

i am not big on modern inventions.... a college roommate told me in 1959- that pretty soon we would not carry money, but little plastic cards.. "you're crazy !........"     .now there is a sign on home depot "please use cards or correct change---due to  a shortage of change".  .... maybe so-- but i also think the reason is no one can figure out  the change from a $20  for a purchase  if $15.64. 
 that wouldn't look good in the window---  
so our children can not make  change.. or read cursive writing,   tell time on a rotary clock...know which. end of teh nail to hit with which end of the hammer....  what are  we training them to do???? (and that needs no training---- we have entirely too much of that already.)
this cowboy ... matt.... says he has a permanent job in this area because people breed horses and then don't know how to train them...
 heck matt... we have a national problem like that with kids.