Sunday, August 22, 2021

aug 22 2021

 how did we ever manager with
  "red sky at night is a sailors delight
red sky in morning sailor take warning".
here we know henri is on the way.. and the sky is a generic blue. how am i  to know wht to do????   
welcome henri......  ok..... fill your gas tanks..  because when we loose electricity... we might not pump gas til we get it back again... and i heard the words " electrical return might be weeks.."     ustabee. when we lost power we lost water because swe had a well... that was trouble...  now we have town water-- and instant on generators ( 2 of the. barn and house) .  so i am feeling very smug...i am all prepared for the normal emergencies--- flashlight, pre cooked baked chicken and mini  icecreams.........? prep????    that i s when something else happens... -- wsomething like one of these monster trees acrss th e driveway ---ok volunteers.... remember we now have 2 driveways..... these trees have to be 100 years old... lets hope they last a few more years???? 
i also remember a friend runninbg to his elderly   mothers house because she often lost electricity/ and water... -purpose of the trip was to fill up many 5 gallon buckets with water and fill. the bathroom with them-- so she could flush.... flushing being a siphoning  proceedure, not electrical...

luckily i don't think i need a bunch of buckets ful of water-- but there was a time i sure did !!

i just maytbe ought to get out  my irish kettle. -- the camping kettle which allows you to make a cuppa coffee by burnign one piece of newspaper...  
my big push is to get the hotsy spray cleaner operational-- it is a hugely poowerful spray cleaner--- can take the paint right off yoru car, if you shold want teh paint off your car....
they are picking  i t up this week... with hopes....i really want to clean up the alley of the  barn befor dog fest.  then mavbe a "fester" couold put a coat of polyeurothane on it.

we have alot of jobes for festers.....  gate painting is another... it is such a relief to be able to say "we need the pink gate shut" and volunteers know what ia am talking about;
finally we are at the stage of being able to back drag teh  areas outside teh stalls. with the tractor... so that the water off the arena roof....runs  downhill.... across teh donkey cafe and uicu dog kennels and off into teh state forest.

with the help of some cp's ... i do have one 55mm ball fir teh new rope-- so it occurs to me.... betsy has a very nice gift store in the center of town ( center? right next to th e town pub) --last  year i made monkey fist for her with a thread and a bead-- so she could make tiny earrings and jewelery... it occurs to me she might advertise that jewery better if she did a window display??? betsy??? 
 dog fest......
 deciding to have DOGFEST 2021.   was based largely on  the fact that WE COULD HAVE IT 100% outdoors.....
Due to the rapid rise of the Delta variant SDP  believes it would be in the best interest of those attending Dog Fest’s outdoor activities not to have a large number of people gather together indoors ..... in  one room the Friday night before.Therefore one of the steps SDP has taken to help ensure our visitors are Covid safe is to cancel the Doubletree Hotel Living Room reservation. FOR ANYONE  WANTING TO ATTENT A MEETING ON FRIDAY NIGHT -- I HIGHLY SUGGEST  YOU MEET IN THE PARKING LOT ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE HOTEL . lotsa space there.......    WE ARE DOING ALL RIGHT SO FAR--- THE ONLY ONE WE  HAVE LOST  SO FAR  IS OUR "  SANTA"

We look forward to seeing everyone at Crazy Acres and wish you a safe enjoyable time while you are visiting the area.