Sunday, July 4, 2021

JULY 4 2021

you all have no idea.... yet......  of all the things i must stay correct. and not discuss in the daily doggie...
 this  leaves me --- today -- with septic tanks and breakfast cereals...

those of you who live in city and town type places  are not familiar.... but getting and keeping a functioning  septic system is an all consuming idea for those of us in the country life...Just to put it in perspective for the city folk---- the topic of septic systems is what is behind the following joke     ----a city real estate person approaches a farmer and says that's a lovely hay field you have I'd like to buy it from you and offered him $100,000 for the field about 10 acres...   and the farmer says you come around with a wheel barrel and I'll sell you a wheelbarrow full for that $100,000..

 that's a joke but it's no joke because if you have a piece of property and you want to put a house on it the first thing you have to do is prove that it's going to be able to absorb whatever fluids you produce in a biologically correct manner IE septic system and they will come along with their tractors and the dig a great big hole and leave it overnight and see what's in it for water or lack of water and if the right thing doesn't happen you can't build on that piece of property... now if you should just happen to hit ledge or whatever else doesn't Leech water off well. like rocks.....----- it has happened----- they dig a great big hole and then by nice pretty dirt like the stuff from the farmer for the $100,000 and by the truckload they fill up the hole and then run the test perfectly legal but you have to have the right kind of dirt and the right groundwater level to get past this Board of Health type tests to get a permit to build in the first place..

Add to that the problem of trying to build a house on a hill where the only place to put the septic system is uphill from the house -------personally I am a firm believer in gravity and although it is possible to have a pump to pump all the "fluid".   up the hill and into the septic system----gravity will get you in the long run------ especially if you  loses electric power to run your pump----- this is often done---- I know because Janine lived in a house in West Newbury downhill from the septic system -----she had no problem with it but she certainly could have------ and it made me very nervous --------well now that you know all about that

 I have to remind you that years ago I lived in Lynnfield Massachusetts with two small children an alcoholic husband and dogs drinking out of an.  overflowing septic system ..

Fortunately I had a very good friend Rosemary.. whose husband worked beneath the streets of Boston---- the building of tunnels ----so being an expert on all kinds of things he arrived one night and he drilled a very small hole in the middle of the  nasty puddle covered it up with a great big heavy mat------ there was a significant thud.... after which he picked up his mat and went home and that septic system drain perfectly ever since--- and probably still working.. it was amazing what one stick of dynamite could do when properly handled..

thus is my experience and understanding leaching process.


moving forward.  2 Ipswich-- before we built this house they commented on what wonderful dirt we had and how we could run a small motel here   my  second husband and I moved in and forgot about the septic system in spite of a son-in-law who was convinced---  and probably quite rightly so--  that you should have a septic system pumped out every once in awhile---? yearly??   by one of those stainless steel tanks that are not delivering gasoline to the gas station..  well I didn't do that -----it's just I just never got around to it...   but somewhere along the line someone had impressed upon me that I   should flush ridx down the toilet on some predescribed timing.    not having the ability to be organized to the point of remembering to do anything yearly or biyearly or anything else..-----. every once in awhile on this property at any rate I would buy four boxes of ridx and pour them wherever I could down 4  sinks or whatever and forgot about the whole thing-----     30 years later I fell subject to an advertisement about getting pumped out -----so I called the company and they sent around a very nice neat tidy truck and after he pumped out our septic tank he commented then it was in perfect condition -----and it was nice to see that somebody kept up with the pumping-----?? how often did I have it pumped??    I was very pleased to tell him I had it pumped every 30 years--- he couldn't believe it but that's true. so just recently I have put Haley one of our trainers in charge of ridx dumping ----let's see if she could remember to do it once in awhile and keep us on the 30 year schedule-

this is a true story -------it is not an ad for riddex nor am I convinced that that's what actually did such a super job-------- it could be we have absolutely lovely dirt ---whatever ----ridx is a cheap way out of what could easily be a $50,000 septic tank problem


the other thing I'm allowed to talk about today is that cereal somebody sent  me the French toast cereal ---  I discovered last night the mixing it lavishly with whipped cream makes a pretty good dessert -------everyone around here was making fun of me and my whipped cream ----but how different is that from putting it in a bowl and putting it in with non whipped cream ?-----at any rate it was very interesting and I enjoyed it-----actually this whipped cream I've gotten to be a problem around here.----  you cannot make the whipped cream noise without sizzle and lackey showing up and demanding a plateful of at least a half a cup of fluffed up cream----- I'm happy to say Bentley has now joined that crew so even if I get a little whipped cream on my dessert,---I now have to have three plate fulls of whipped cream for the dogs that surround me at the moment ----jermany has not yet learned about that it won't take him long...