Friday, July 23, 2021

JULY 23 2021

 anna-- this morning    her rear end is not totally  functional. - but she is happy and playing with toys...

before you ask me alot of questions... here is her discharge summary 

Visit Assessment: 
Anna was admitted to the hospital by the ER service. Mild pain was noted on palpation of her lower back. A mild fever was noted. She had a shifting leg lameness but was walking. Bloodwork was within normal limits. A 4Dx Snap test was negative for tick-borne infections such as Lyme disease. She was started on IV fluids. Her fever resolved. An in-house Neurology consultation revealed no evidence of myasthenai gravis. Orthopedic evalation did not reveal any joint swelling. She was more comfortable and walking better by Thursday morning. X-rays of the lower spine, hips and long bones were obtained to check for any evidence of bone changes. Young dogs can get inflammation in the growing bones (panosteitis or hypertrophic osteodystrophy). There were no visible bone changes on the x-rays. A mild form of inflammation could still be present. Another issue we spoke about as a possible cause as her position in the Bailey Chair causing momentary numbness in the hind limbs (like her legs were "asleep"). For now, I recommend rest and a low dose of pain medication.

my mother. used to give us an aspirin and  said go  back to work and called it growing pains,,,,,, which could be very painful !!

 one of our "CP" people has a lot of animals to care for while his wife has surgery,  and asked for i wrote..
you said "help"???

there are times when your animals have got to manage on the bare minimum......   there can be situations where you have  to keep yourself operational  for the general survival... like -----you get the oxygen first then your child ------on airplane....

in my experience..........when the shlt hits the fan around here----- horses will live very nicely on hay and water-- what you must not do is  give them  twice thier grain  when you have skipped a grain feeding.  if you get around to grain.    a 2 pound coffee tin of grain would be a bonus.  but they will survive without it.
lets face it ---medically the most common problem of horses dogs and people is too much food-- (and i love it and am guilty.... ). 

now that we have those round bails of hay.  i wander by and sometimes  check   their water tub-- and that is it for the week  for the ?10 equines i have?    the manure is piling up- but it is dry and can wait.  
the dogs are another problem--- they can't be ignored quite as easily-- it is their poo---with 6 dogs you must get the upper hand or you will be wading in it.  i think we have th e most efficient poo processing as withessed by the f act that with 50 great danes,.... and puppies... the place does not smell.... at all !

if there is a communal rest room for them, i would have   2 .....5 inch putty knives and a bucket lined with. grocery bag right there-- ready to be used instantaneously.. then the portable version is 2 pieces of cardboard and a groceery bag in your back pocket  ----- same size and shape as your cell phone.     if you see a pile... you must pick it up immediately then tie a knot in the bag and leave it -- anywhere-- for retrieval to the ?dumpster in our case.. but the poo is contained and you do not walk in ot or smell it... 

those white 3 gal buckets are usualy availble at bakeries-- and costco-- because.  icing ----for one thing.....comes in them -- fits grocery bags perfectly...

i don't know how well your 6 dogs get along... but they are subject to th e. change of management -- and minus thier usual leader, -- your wife-- they could start to bicker...
my only  advice there is "allies are people with common enemies "

that is all i can think of for bulk animal.   management

the 95 degrees?-- well.. those $10  string of "misters".   on  any fan will  lower the temp by 20 degrees- might get a few thing wet... but it will be cooler and wet does dry.
 i am sure at some point in our lives  i tossed a piece of bread at my kids and told them we were lucky to have that.