something there is that does not like a wall--- classic new england poet--- about good fences make good neighbors so teh pine cones don't get into the other guy's apple orchard???-- i go along with that great wierdness. as opposed to some elf not wanting a wall between neighbors. the poet goes on about teh nieghbors getting together every spring to put the wall back together-- sounds so cheerful-- and i personally look at teh miles of beautiful stone walls which i am sure were new englands way of wearing
out teanage boys with too much energy... "go add 10 foot to that stone wall before dinner" and the kid would n't care what mom cooked for dinner, he would be starving.... and well behaved.
teen agers with enough exercise are not too bad at all... i found one yewterday.....i got home from---wherever i went, ----only to find teh wonderful food delivery from purina ( absolutely perfect dog food , i have fed it exclusively for 40 years????). for you new people---- i bought purina f or many years-- while living in lynnfield and then moving here in 1979.... when we became a charity, i had ocassion to tell some very important man from purina---- that i had fed it for years and could prove it-- years ago they h ad a progrma where if you saved 35,000 weight circles they would send you a bose radio.. - every friend and relative of mine had a bose radio and i still had 3 new ones in the cellar... he laughed--- and he ok'd the donation of our food for many years and counting. if someperson says they have to change it for some reason, i mentally think "food allergy is a diagnosis of last resort". because we just keep feeding it and our dogs look great----well we do buy a bqag or two oof weighwatchers purina food..... for our 2 aging cookie guzzlers...
so back to my teenagers bit--- i started to go to meridith farm thinking i might be able to steal a worker or two of janine's. but i didn't get far.-- along rt 97 came a guy on a bike- and i yelled to him.. about my problem of the tons of dog food we needed to get into the seagoing storage unit-- he was most cheerful and helpoful as he joined our crew...
guzzlers-- reminds me of a restaurant in a texas..... a cov film. "the. squat and guzzle"... a rather unique name.
we gain a few people a day in teh daily doggie department-- a year ago i never thought we would reach 1300 unique readers per day-- but it is pretty regualr now.. sometimes i am not sure why... until i compare. it to the news competition.. that is going to get exciting if they call off teh olympics.... how would you like to be in charge of that one???
it would be wonderful if i could be brilliant every day--- but it aint happening.... i am very much like the kid who is teh class valedictorian. because she is th e only one in the class.
my only otehr news..... janine has some cowboy horse person type who can ride anything-- and does-- so her 50 year old bones don't get tested by having to ride these things she buys at auction..-- there is... what she says is a very nice black mare-- with white legs.... matches sizzle--- she is over at meridith farm-- and i have a huge black ?dutch warmbred- and a riding mule here--- plan is for him. to try th e mare.. and bring her here and take the black horse and riding mule over there... somewhere.... leaving clyde and the black mare heree... i hope that happens today.. she looks comfortable... and riding used to exercise my back-- and the rest of me too. we just need some kind of crane to get me up there....