Friday, June 25, 2021

june 25 2021


I heard that word this morning on the television regarding the collapse of the building in Miami and how it was possibly due to spalling----- which someone described as concrete dandruff--- very descriptive ----I know a little bit about concrete that sheds because our cellar for the past 39 1/2 years has been terrable as the walls have produced piles of concrete dust which when swept up quickly replaced by more concrete dust to the point where I have worried about the thickness of the walls ------however in my estimation we've lost maybe an eighth of an inch around the whole foundation of this concrete dandruff -----I don't know how much we've losT on the outside but theRE still considerable concrete left.. what I can talk about it being absolutely wonderful is whatever that plastic EPOXY.  stuff is that was applied buy a company somehow connected to some of the camera people who read this daily doggie.

having complained about this messy seller ----I wish I could give you the boost but---- it was someone in Pennsylvania was an expert and either work for owned or whatever a company that produced totally washable epoxy for concrete floors and walls they knew of someone in Rhode Island who would apply this stuff which has to be done over the course of several days in layers     whatever it is is absolutely wonderful and is now ALSO sealing  the walls and floors in the  ICU   ..  this was very impressive to the USDA and the other animnal inspection orgainzations who tromp thru here reguolarly...including  george myers (DVM) .. who told me 5 years ago someone would eventurlly complain about the wood in  our  kennels as being too pious no porris( HAVE HOLES?)  and possibly holding contamination which they would not approve and at some point I would have to change it all -----well I suppose redesigning our kennels would eventually be appropriate but that'll have to be addressed further on down the road.

the reason I heard this word Spalling.  was there was one concrete expert that they had an early morning television today who said that would be one possible reason that the building in Miami collapsed that between the ocean aire and protruding rebar which is the metal in the concrete the rust would have expanded and contracted -------I should say could have expanded iAND  contracted causing the concrete pillars underneath that building to delaminate they become structurally unsound


that being the 1st semi logical assessment of that collapse I immediately latched on to it and associated with it my garage.. BUT-------I remember seeing in Boston in the vicinity of the government center a janitorial crew very busy sweeping up piles of concrete dust around a pillar in the garage which is underneath all those office buildings and I can remember thinking at that time-------- that was actually a layer of support for the thing that was over my head------ which is a great big building------ so I am suggesting that wherever you see piles of concrete. Dandruff.  yes  slow up and give it a second thought. Along with rusted rebar sticking out of the concrete in the highway bridges I know I've seen a great deal of that also.. hopefully that qualifies as infrastructure along with railroads   and airports.

Speaking of airports also in the news.. a TSA agent was bitten yesterday.. biEING dog people you will all assume immediately a dog bit him -----not true--- a person bit him.. so I suppose now along with all the other preparations for flight you may be required to have a rabies shot


All goal is divided in three parts... so is CRAZY ACRES... Yesterday aT  coffee break number  32 .. It was realized that the volunteers or staff wandering around with a bucket in one hand and putty scrapers in the other we're actually DOGGIE POO PICKERS under the domain of lYNN—WHILE the four people trying to chase the goats around and get them where they belong we're really carlene's problem.. and the person on the phone calling to complain that our paper shredder was an outdated model and why were we not worried about people reading our improperly shredded electrical bills (it would be possible for them to gluing back together-)-that becomes linda's domain ..... somehow we manage.


and the crazy acres that we manage seems to be absolutely fascinating to a bunch of people searching for some sort of reality in life and they wander up the driveway in a slightly confused fashion and I usually put directly to work holding something up or holding something down whatever but the physical work that's required around here SEEMS TO BE TREMENDOUSLY RELAXING for some people who probably spend too much time on the computer------ almost to a person people are thrilled to chase goats or pick up poop as witnessed by this morning's project where some people who started in the donkey manure PILE ---have put together a group wanna come and learn some of the details of caring for donkeys and horses------ well that's a shoo in for me  ---- WE CAN CALL IF FRIDAYS 101. ON THE  CAMPUS OF CRAZY ACRES FARM. 



I'll start the discussion  the first thing you really ought to LEARN  IS ROPES  -------what is a safety Knot in case you should tie an animal to A FENCE  and they take offense at that------- oh did I say that ?-----at any rate if you should have to untie them very quickly you should be able to do that with one quick snap of the rope but we will evolve too teaching an animal to pick up a foot---- we'll start with the front foot and work our way round to clyde's rear end -----which is going to be the ultimate challenge----- that will not happen probably for a month because Clyde being a draft animal in Amish country was put into a stock ----a bunch of very strong metal stuff  OR.  wooden stuff---- and had his foot tide up into place so they could put shoes on him nobody ever stopped long enough to teach him just to pick up his foot and hold it there------- so consequently if you get near his feet he'll kick -----Moe was the same way probably the same as stock---- at any rate we should have fun today and maybe get a harness on somebody and do a few things that this Friday morning group coming to learn

I certainly wouldn't want to exclude anybody from this  Friday morning So what do we call it?------Friday  101---- so by all means join us---- I don't know what time everybody was told to be here I certainly would think somewhere between 9:00 and 11:00 I don't know when it starts---- that was up to Karen but I will have a cup of coffee and get out there...