Thursday, June 10, 2021

june 10 2021

Now with a totally unresponsive keyboard I won't be able to correct anything and sometimes the errors are spectacular I will attempt to get this out by dictating and dictating without corrections is nearly unreadable also anyway. Paragraph oh that didn't work well on camera today you will see great activity on the donkey hill where so far we got a 100 foot piece of fence from the pond and five people lifted and carry the whole thing flat and it is now up on donkey hill now the object is to pound in some posts and stand the fence up and probably do that one more time if I roll the 100 feet into one lump it's it's not quite as easy to stand up however if I can do that twice more today then the donkeys etc can come to the donkey cafe for drinking water which will save a great deal of effort on the part of the volunteers so getting that fence up is critical the Masterson two guys plus that machine did get all the posts in around the pond and it could be that we get the fence around that today also without the gates and I could put the goats in there to eat all that vegetation instead of trying to get it mowed so that would be our second project and these projects are going to happen fast because the poster in the place we have a couple more post to do which will still be on camera from the chick in camera would be honeymoon hill I'm going to totally take that fence down all that chain link and put up the horse fence with a few more wooden posts digging there will be have to be careful because of the wiring underground but it I believe is down 4 feet the part of the wiring around here that's only down 6 inches is things that I put in running between buildings so the cars didn't run over extension cores like the connection between the laundry building and the T 10 but this area was put in officially's down there with the water so we ought to be able to put a 2 foot post in that will tidy up that whole area then we may even get the fence around the new puppy pen and this is just the fence standing up with strings attached just to get it up if that happens you might even see puppies down there once the poster in fence goes up quick we may this may mean that these metal posts that we're using for which I bought the black paint and brushes and things we may end up painting them once they're standing because that can be done by anybody with a paintbrush whereas mastersons construction offered Me 2 two guys again today and they get so much more done one of them is as strong as a bull swinging the sledgehammer so I imagine he can pound in some metal posts faster than about anybody else so he will be doing that on the donkey hill 1st instead standing that fence up there's also a connection of fence that has to be made to keep the ICU dogs off the donkey help donkey area so those are the sections we're going to be working on today and I think we will get them all done Colby is a tremendous help running around doing the details behind the guy with a sledgehammer Colby would be a perfect post pounder I'm not sure about the sledgehammer part that guy is accurate he pounded in maybe 20 of the posts on the pond and I never saw him miss once the guy with him also Masterson who usually operated the little tractor would miss probably 20% of his swings but the other guy never missed one paragraph it's not doing paragraphs the only other exciting thing of the day was my one of my neighbors call going to have a party for the kids and needed to have the grass cut I don't know why I guess her mower is not working any rate I certainly have a mower I can give it not a problem but in the meantime I began to think about it was Janine decided she really needed the exercise of a regular push mower and somehow either I bought one or she did or somebody did maybe it was Gwen and Ron I don't know at any rate I found it up at the guest house and the damn thing works beautifully and the clanking of the circulating bleves was amazingly familiar to about everybody on the property including bud so everybody took a swing at the new puppy area with its tall grass and that thing cuts grass better then the gas mower so today I'm going to take both mowers over there with the suggestion that the the regular old push mower is a lot less complicated and that will now be a permanent part of the puppy pen area sort of a relic of the past that's much more efficient the current stuff I think I give up I have no idea what errors are in this thing well now cut and paste it into the daily doggy and

Hi Carlene
Just an update on Honey.
All is good, she had a routine Vet appointment and weighed in at ~135 and they said she looked great.  Everything is up to date and no problems. 
We have been out and she has been great always by my side and working hard, everyone is amazed with SDP Service Dogs.
She loves her daily Dane dash and loves those treats that’s for sure.
Hope to see you all soon at the farm.
Staci & Honey

Hi Carlene -

Love that I made the DD today.  Thought you'd like to see a photo of Noah in his cloud closet just before we moved from that house.  As you can see, he was a bit large for it at age 17.   It was his favorite place to read books as a small child. 

Great to hear all of the news of Crazy Acres!