Monday, June 28, 2021

ju ne 28 2021

  apparently teh little pony  was lying down most of the night... looks fine at teh moment... however....  all i know of her history is .... she was in very tough shape coming out of the slaughter pens...  janine got her back to relatively healthy and deposited her here for further  care-- warning us that she might be pregnant -- and that is all i know about . her.  -- aside from going down to the stall and yelling 

push.    push.   there is not alot i can do---   i suppose i could pay bryan to come and stand around and say---- push----- push--- but that would be an unneessaery expense. and wouldn't improve her life---- so lets be patient and see what happens.    she is certainly in a much better spot here than the slaughter pens.... so to some degree  all we can give her is a good shot at health...  so far so good...

project of the day is to get the gates up around the pond to save my waving to wash my sheets every day becaus eof sizzle's muddy feet.  details of dogdom.
 yesterday we had few new people arrive wantiing to volunteer-- also wanting to get away from the #$%^&*() world as is now overwhelming.  crazy acres farm is just that--- never did i think i would be holding classes in "teh mucking of stallss 101". and have a bunch of people sign up for it !!!!    well it is  in what i consider fresh air....

You've all heard me vent about the color of the manure pile and how it's far too light in color because people just shovel everything out and break up in a new bag of shavings which are nearly white very light tan that means that the manure pile has no commercial value as it once did there are three phases valuable people will buy it add acquit there are places who will let you dump it and then there's the third kind where you've got to pay somebody to take it away and the very light colored too many shavings is just that so for all you heard me spout it was interesting the other day that had Janine stand there in the office and complain that an gatchel was having a fit about that donkey operation over it groten house which is the Winthrop place urban or pile just was too light colored.. how Janine was really kind of tired of city folk who really didn't understand the concept of valuable manure.. with a whole lot of very valuable things that city folk don't understand.. along with palatable running water there are things that are just expected then nobody questions well it's time we question more things like valuable manure and exactly what we should do about it so apparently I should hold courses

back when I was a 4H leader and I had to do barn inspections from all my four age kids that had a horse I could tell whether they were doing a good job by the color of a newer pile the worst kind were the very very black smelly kind mixed with the very very light kind because that meant so that they were not doing anything for a while and then just digging it all out and covering it up with white shavings it's a very delicate process and furthermore it must never ever contain things like straws coffee  coffee cups and anything that would have way resembled trash because three years from now it should be perfectly wonderful topsoil.

let me bring up the slightly sword topic of rocks in the stall... never in my life have I seen golf ball size rocks a stall.. Until this year in Ipswich.

let's think about this there's no way a horse can bring in a rock stuck in their feet in their jaw or anywhere else.. so how else do things get into that stall they either come off a Bale of hay or bags of shavings both of which are mechanically produced and if there was a rock or two in a Bale of hay or the shaving machine it just wouldn't happen they're too finely tuned so how did the rocks get in our stalls here in Ipswich I don't know but I do think about it.     anybody else have any ideas?


As this horrific building collapse story dominates the news.... I remember the guy from Rhode Island who put that appoxee on the floor and walls of our cellar had a great deal of concern for the fact that there was so much flaking before he did it.. and he really wanted to do the outside the building which I couldn't quite figure out because it's underground and I opted not to do it because of the confusion and I wasn't sure of the science involved I think as they solved this problem of why did this happen down in Florida we may all have thoughts about those tiny cracks that can appear in concrete they are an indication up something going wrong sort of like the rocks in my stalls however..


Sunday afternoon we had a lovely family here and they had a box of cookies to go round and feed all the dogs through the fences it was working very well the kids love the dogs the dogs love the cookies and as I talk to the parents.  it it was one more case of they really would love to have a dog at home but they were terrified of the veterinary expense involved they said with two children that they had to put through college they could not possibly afford the expense oh of the veterinary care for a dog  there is a huge need in my opinion.  for the General practitioner type veterinarian.    Tehn  stop promoting the veterinarians have now learned to do heart transplants.  and make you feel very guilty if you don't want to spend $100,000 on the cost of doing that..


Moving along..... 

Just an update on Service Dog Oz. 
I am a volunteer at SDP and wife of John- matched with service dog, Oz. 
Oz has been to his new home for one week now. If you saw John & Oz together, you'd think that they'd been together forever.
Watching the bond that Oz and John have grow so rapidly is remarkable. 
I recall that you have said "the dog picks the person." I see now how true that is! I didn't understand how a dog could do that until I actually witnessed it happen.

Oz is calm and quiet, but always watching so he can anticipate John's needs. 
John is up early and training /working with Oz daily in the mornings.  They have become quite the duo!! 
I am doing my part too--I dont feed,  give water, groom or walk Oz. Oz is so sweet, it makes it super hard to not want to jump in and do these things, but... I was given my instructions... I promised that I won't do anything to sabotage their bond. The amount of training, dedication, and time that's put into each dog by your trainers?--- it would be very selfish to undo that work. 

Carlene-, you will be happy to know that John is grinning ear to ear! You would be so proud of them both and they hard work they do every day to connect. 
We will be moving soon to Florida, and will keep you updated on how Team Oz & John progress.

Thank you so very much for ALL you do: you, your trainers, your volunteers, your gardener (she makes SDP so lovely!),  your "do-it all"  Bud, and your dedicated camera people and viewers. 

on behalf of Team John and Oz

worth reading the numbers.....