Tuesday, April 21, 2020

april 21 2020
 i forgot yesterday to mention cate and grace-  and got a note from grace.....who is doing a fantastic job as only a true farmer can..   grace may be an RN, but more important to us , is she is a welll ttrained farmer who notices things......and also does not quit...  whe you need to get the hay in before it rains, you need to get the hay in-- everything else can wait.

Regarding yesterday's DD,  the person who helped me with the leaf taking on Sunday was Cate.  She has service dog Bellow.  After we put away our raking gear,  she helped me close up the barn, refill water buckets in the stalls and check the hay bags. The chickens were still roaming about, so we put them away.   We completed the chores and left the farm at 6:30 p.m.  Cate has to drive of an hour and a half to get home. She is a dedicated recipient/ volunteer who works diligently when she is at the farm.

Yesterday afternoon I stopped by the farm.  I noticed the hay bags in the stall s were empty or nearly empty.  Two of the water buckets, in the large stall,  had poop in them. The rest were either empty or nearly so.  I filled the hay bags, washed and filled the water buckets and depooped the stall.  I noticed the chickens were still outside so, I put them away.  Ariot and I left around 6:15 p.m.  

now...  i try and pass on  worthwhile information.....about the white tape on th e side of my head..   i never knew it existed......"cover roll stretch"  seems to be it's name...  a very thin? paper? porous?  pretty sticky but not dreadfully so.... wierd stuff  in a ? 10 foot roll...  beats bandages hands down....  the reason i have it on my head, is   so my hearing aid does not fall out... why wouold it?  it is teh left ear one which i have in my right ear, so it is not configured to stay there...   i lost my right ear one - but finally found it, just after i rolled over it with my car. it suffered badly---    i am told costco replaces thigs without too much confuslin... if i could just get to costco....
i am ...personally ...not doing too badly....  remember in my history, after my house fire, i have lived in a  house  trailer... with 2 small children with 2 electric cars, with a basset hound with 12 black pups thanks to a neighbors black lab,  with a husband with a ruptured disk,  with a water supply kept from freezing  most of the time because i piled it with fresh manure....and a heat system kept live with 5 gallon "jerry cans"  of keroscene  hand dumped  twice daily and a sizeable christmas tree. 
  so i have been trained !

now... the most difficult rule is, i must be fully dressed ... with shoes... before i can have any coffee.  One must keep up one's standards.
the schedule worked perfectly yesterday   ---   haley got things done she never thought of before....  i call this education...   it never occured to her htat the 2 tiny sticks with 1/2 inch of orqange tape had cost me $2500  to put exactly thre as a survey marker.

my to do list is on the fridge in teht tent  -- some things got done- i saw teh "air chair" swings got found and hung.... they are very comfortqble---  "air chair"  wwere  teh good ones in my opinion when i bought them they were $100 each... now they are $24  and have to be a best buy for comfortable  dozing    you need a strong tree or rafter.. a good buy.
other wisdom of the day.... she who falls asleep and forgets to put  her handy dandy water bottle on the shelf, will not wake up to a dry bed. and since evaporation is a cooling process... the wet sheets are not inducive to   "warm".
along with jiminey decideinhe saw a ghost in the doorway, it was an active night.
dog seeing ghost... i jhave a story.. making a movie about ghosts.... in a "haunted" bar...  i was called on to have a puppy run down a  sort of hallway \with a bar on one side and stairwell  1/2 way down on the other..  i  had an awful time gettign the pup to run the whole way... it did  not want to go past the stairwell... afteer many tries we finally got the shot... and  then the bartender said to me... the ghost is  most often seen in that stairwell.    that is a ghost "story" without human ingervention... that dog  knew sokething...
well last night jiminey did too.. in this case it might also be a racoon  in the trash out ther... but  who knows???