Sunday, April 12, 2020

april 12 2020
ZONKEY   -  yes...  i have been getting news articles..... a hybred cross between a  zebra and a donkey ... is  genetically like a mule hybred   .. the problem is.. and it is a big one...  this  zonkey  hybred inherits the personality of the zebra which can be terribly dangerous   not the sweet temperment  of a donkey,,    the  donkeyt / horse cross = mule== has more donkey influence.
faced with the cov restrictions..  i find it necessary to set standards... like "you may not have any coffee til you are dressed 100%... with shoes... not slippers."  
meanwhile.. seeking for further amusement...... we did  an experimental  "dig"  
judy and i dug a big hole beehind the barn...    judy -- her first time tractor driving----   drove forward whilde i dug  a trench with the back hoe/// ==== i have tried for years to make water run up hill... and i am at it again... by lowering the hill???  ...  if we could just make it to the far endof teh arena   we could get water away fromt he dumpster... donkey cafe and icu house  which make a terrible ... deep ... muddy mess as teh rain off the arena heads for the chicken coop area.... if we couodl just get it going the other way it wold go behind  the parking pit... and  be no problsm...   we do have the height to make watre run from the arena to the pit area... problem is the nearly level arena... 
it is a challange to operate teh backhoe    becauser the levers onthe back hoe are positioned for someone considerably more narrow that i am...   those levers are really in my lap....
but we got to  water running in the hole and down 18 inches and hit sand  ...  there is a huge rainstorm due here tonight and tomorrow... so we can see  what happens next...   we really need a bulldozer--   or bucketdozer to be more exact. 

the operqation developed into a demo as to why,   when you see a back hoe working , you    ALWAYS  see a guy leaning on a reguloar shovel... that was denis   HE Had to tweek the puddle that i was using to be sure i had a pitch in the right direction...  if this rainstorm drains into that sand,   it could cause qa  change of plans.

it will not take more tna a week of rain to fill in the mess we made, until we get a real machine in here to  "move mountains"

we can not put in drainage pipes as many cp's have suggested,,becasue the silt fills them quicker thanwe can keep them draining;... been there .. done that..

this project is closely related to those rube goldberg machines.. where  there is energy in height...because if you have height  you can move something down --- thus creating energy.
my problem here is   the "down"... is 80 feet  away from teh  the height... the make it worse ... a bit of a bump in the middle
 i love those... my whole world resembles a  complicated rube goldberg machine.
for all of you baby sitting our dogs... remember there are 400 to 600 people  waiting every night for me to read teh progress report was from you all./  just a few words of progress or problems... in an email to me is appreciated.... to all these camera people  --  these are their dogs !!!  and rightly so... they help support them with n 10$ chicken bricks;

i am impressed with china having some progrram to monotor instantly where you are and who is standing next to you-- and give you a "probability " report..  it seems that would be helpful....  and for those who are worried about th e invasion of privacy-- that  is simple--   i don't think owning a cell phone in the first place  is a constitutional right.    do not kid yourself    --- these companies who are involved with  cell phones and facebook...know how many sheets of toilet paper you use daily..
you want privacy?   don't own one  ????  ridiculous !! 
i am old enough 
 so that when i hear in teh  tv background :" here is doctor so and so" and it is a female voice, i am amazed.