Saturday, April 18, 2020

APRIL 18 2020
 WARNING ...VENTING ........."time is the only true currency"  somebody said that besides me...   i proposed a list of chores for staff to do 
instead of sitting home doing nothing-- 
and all of a sudden  the tv and friends says..... i am asking them to choose between life  health, and work 
AND by having  all  11  come back the place would be overloaded AND  it is going  to rain  AND  they should go fo the extra $600 unemployment............

my ---printed -- schedule provided for 3 people at a time to address outside chores   traveling  one to a car, and staying 50 feet from anoy one else...
 3 people   12 acres    4 acres per??? 
let me take the list i suggested they help with... one at a time

our sign on the street is dirty... i suggested it be washed.. that would involve a bucket .. soapy water/dawn  one wash cloth and a short ladder.
after that . turn and walk up the driveway... on your left there are about 6 tiny vines that have started up the trees and really need to 
be nipped in th ebud.. a normal pair of scissors  would wor k nicely... onthe right there are a bunch also.. plus one that would need the gqrden nippers
from the shed.
walk 50 feet further and graces  12 x 12 garden is covered in leaves... just take off the leaves- let grace deal with teh plants later...
 walk another 50 feet and do the same to our crazy acres sign-- those rocks would look better withoiut leaves.
anotehr 50 feet and there is a good one... get a milk crate and take down and put back the stone wall that th e big trucks keep hitting
that will take hours- during which a car might drive past you...after that ..
. the back parking lot.. behind the arena is full of sticks-- the tralier is there   fill it.
all the trees in tha last 150 feet have dead limbs which should be yanked or sawed off...  teh 25 foot long  pole is in th g tent --have at it
that will take weeks- and you have not even got thru the gate yet.

 so forget asking our employees to do those  but  if  ANYBODY WANTS TO VOLUNTEER to come by for some fresh air, come right ahead --
 park in the pit and just do not get with in 20 feet of anyone... i am either in the window( see sign on the front door) or wandering 
around in my  comfortable car.  you can stand back and yell..   works fine.

of course anyone can get COV   . but if you do.... it would not be from  VOLUNTEERING here..
 there is no one i have heard  who will tell you,you got it from someone even 20 feet away
you will have far more exposure standing in the  GROCERY STORE  OR THE huge lines of the unemployment office.
i think....... i discovered 2 things...  
first... the secret to my current loss of weight  is this water bottle that hangs off my little finger very nicely..
 every time i think of eating anythign i take a sip of water...== of course the fact that you camera people 
have not sent me any of those terrible fun boxes all filled with fatteninbg goodies may have alot gto do with it too...
 but... the water does stop me from looking for something else.  AND I AM DOWN 9 POUNDS... 
secondly...hang on.THIS IS A GOOD ONE    ...  i think i sleep/nap  more soundly when the car is running. .. not moving. just running. ..
 which it often is when it is cold out and i have the heat on.( and window open just a bit.)-
 it is my  get away... seats are great- stereo good- i can often get it warmer that the house heat... 

i do not think it is the heat, but the slight movement..  i have thought this  many  many times before
i remember how soundly i used to sleep when i traveled on a sleeper train and had a bunk.
no great movement,,, just the repetative  click of the rails...
many times i have tried to figure out how to make my bed, just very slightly move  .... like that train...  
i had to give up the project for 45 years- but i am single again and  i have not forgotten.
reminded of it today,   deep sleep and wake with no back issues..
 i have tried thos back massagers etc... much too much activity....
 how can i replicate the very slight movement?  someone out there must know...????

GWen has suggesteed it coul.dlbe the  "white noise concept" 
 i had not thought of that.. but that is easy to replicate .. so i will do that shortly.

my heavens.. i just looked.... it is snowing.. AGAIN !!!