Monday, October 20, 2014

oct 20 2014
late start -- enjoying my new shower.... with water...

i think  i finally figured somethinn out--   i know i have another showerhead somewhere.. i have alot of other things somewhere... what happens is i go and buy something---( today it is breakfast bars that are missing...)  i come home--and something is happening which demands my attention-( often  like running to the rest rooom) and some helpful soul unloads my car for me--  they don't know where to park thisgs so i can sort and deal\  so they stash things in the overflow room-- actually in one of several overflow rooms--
then i, in my advanced age- cant find something,and assume i must have forgotten to buy it - and go buy another...  this is a self perpetuating problem.

i know i bought those breakfast bars-- to try and get away from my favorite breakfast of broiled trout and eggs over medium- i really think i bought 3 small boxes of them- and they are gone.

  i don't think i can get out to buy more today because my head does not turn either way.    saturday i got hit in the head with a 4x4 post-- consequently by sunday  i could not drive anywhere that involved "looking left"  but i made it to  home depot ( all right hand turns)
today i can't turn either way-- so i guess  i will have to stay home and eat trout ( which by the way i get from omaha steak....  i don't care for their steak, but the trout is great -- the lasagna is perfect for 3 people, and the  cut corn is an easy fix too.)

i have the speech both george and i gave... it is fun to watch us deal with the fruit flys-- he was much more casual about it than i--- and i did not know they were all over the room- i thought it was my new hairspray..apparently i shold be able to transfer it to ?cloud as soon as the computer literate crowd arrives...

the only part i forgot was to suggest anyone training anything, watch the movie miracle worker about  blind and deaf hellen keller's discovery of communication.

things are moving fast around here-- several dogs out on overnights--- and i can't ell that litter apart..which would be fine if they were all the same temperment and training---  but they are miles apart- and not interchangeable...

oh that i had megan's memory....