venting---- venting
where is the logic???
the meat /wood chipper broke---motor burned out.... can not find one in a store...must be ordered online.
ok should not be a problem...
i started in home depot web it did not like what i normally would have used for a home depot password -- message said it was not correct-- so i went the "i forgot" route..if it was not the usual password i would have chosen-- then i should be able to change TO that... and i got the message " that is your old one -- you must change it"
and that was just the start
with difficulty i got past that and got to the shopping cart checkout --- entered my info-- including the credit card with it's4 digit security number-- and then our sales tax free number
and that wrecked the entire sale...
first the charge card security number was incorrect ( not true but i re entered it)
then the sales tax number was not correct ( not true by my standards it written 26-1234567 on the form)
maybe it does not want the -dash..... no wrong number
well maybe it wants the home depot tax free number- which when i am in the store is my phone number so i tried that... phone with spaces.... no
phone without spaces.... no
phone with only one dash ..... no that is not a Massachusetts tax number
ah so we want the mass number
26dash ....-no, it must be a number
26 no dash..... no that is not a mass number
i gave up
i don't give up easily, but it had been a bad day... i got trapped in the recliner like a turtle on my back....... tipped all the way back and it refused to sit me upright... so as the phone rang and rang and rang, i could not get out of that chair and missed an important call..
i am neurotic about the phone anyway. ( "also" goes in there somewhere)
as a child....i was trained to race to be the one to answer the phone by an unfortunate physical placement of the phone in our house....... our phone number was 1009... that's all... just 1009... you asked the nice lady on the other end to connect you- and she did-- but our phone was on the wall in such a way that if you were upstairs you could sit on the stairs and reach thru the bannisters and answer it. i had 2 older sisters-- we were of the age when you hoped various boyfriends would call.... my oldest sister would sit and hear me downstairs rushing to get the phone and just snatch it just before i got to it.
i swear this has affected me my whole life !!! whenever the phone rings i get very nervous... i can become unglued by a cell phone stuck in my pocket-- or in this case lying on my back unable to get out of the chair.
my battle with technology continues-----
we had those handy dandy portable phones -- 8 of them-- from 2 different bases-- similar enough except the recharging stations are not interchangeable-- red tape solved that for a while- before various dog/pups ate 6 of the portables...
so with the costco gift card the camera people gave us at dog fest, i have purchased 2 more sets of phones.... identical--- one to be put in the guest house because... ready??.... the portable from the house does not reach to the t tent--- only to the gate--- it does ring in the t t ent -- but no talking type sound... so it is another point of great frustration.....-- get out of the chair in the t tent and run for the gate before anyone hangs up... just like my sister taught me to run for the phone...
i need "the verizon guy" to give me the connection over there...and megan has his number.
another interesting sideline....before i had these portables, the phones rang in the kitchen near where we have the coffee... and if the phones rang, the dogs knew to get away from that area .... fast. they would then look at me with a "i wonder why humans are trained to put that thing on their heads when the bell rings."
our guests have arrived in the guest house late last night.
late = after my bedtime of about 7pm.... i heard dogs barking with a little more enthusiasm than normal and came flying out of my bedroom half awake to speak harshly to chaos --- i was happy to find that she had not chewed on anyone as the room was full of people of all ages...--- mom is due here shortly for coffee.
i hope you all get the picture of what crazy acres i really like... i was sitting at my desk 5pm last night and a volunteer wandered thru saying 14--15--16-- i asked what she was doing-- she said she was counting dogs in order to feed them.. that meant with steve, bud and i trying to get the microphone working for mail call, there were at least 16 dogs in here too.
everything got done---- but sometimes i wonder how....
and we have a new volunteer who everyone was asking about ---blue shirt-- highschool wrestling team-- just what we need around here-- a LIFTER !!!! he moved the new cast iron stove into the laundry...
so on we go
reminder stay away from route 1-- the topsfield fair is on-- and on a nice day the traffic can be tied up for hours/miles come up rt 95 and back on 97...
and the bricks.....