Monday, October 13, 2014

oct 13,2014

the age induced    technology twist of the day---or how short is senior short term memory?- 

i got up and made a beeline for the coffee-- it was dark so i flipped on the switch... as i stood waiting for the last drip, i realized it was dark and i needed to turn on the lights-- so i did

if you are counting, now the lights are off... the new bulbs take a long time to make light...  and i am caught in a tech loop.

problem is rushing to a conclusion--- it is dark... therefore the lights must be off
solution   sit down and wait to see if the new bulbs finally light up..

 so now you have me sitting in the dark..
someone comes in and says why are  you sitting  there in the dark?
to which i answer  " i am  trying to figure out if the lights are on?"
couple days ago i drove my car down to the barn -- probably just to turn around---and hit that sunny spot by the puppy hill camera..--- so i sat  for a minute deciding... NAP  or SHOP.???.
tracy came along and asked "what are you doing?"
"i dunno"
she had a very strange look on her face when she asked "well what did you remember doing last?"  

so this memory thing is definitely something others have noticed....
i am still working on this "talk" i have to  give friday night...

i think one reason i find donkeys so enjoyable is they stop and think...a horse's reaction to most anything is panic and run ( that is why they wear blinders when in harness--- they are afraid the wagon is a fierce tiger chasing them,)

actually a lot of people are like that

that is why i prefer donkeys...
somewhere in this talk i have to get the snip about vets who's though process is "if it is a dane -- it has to be wobblers" 
along those lines, i want to use our statistics  to see if any of these color "warnings" are anywhere's near correct...  i mean a scientifically proven statistic...  there are sooooo many people who believe anyone who talks loudly enough to drown out the rest..... and the internet gives this  type logic a place to run  rampant.

i think my basic arguement with the akc--- and great dane group in general --- is to decide certain colors are not "showable"  which relates to "valuable"  and the whole process produces extra pups  as breeders try for the perfect show.
 animal.  judging animals by the colors of their hair is just plain wrong.  

but that is a whole nother  arguement