Wednesday, August 3, 2022

 aug 3  2022

dog food day---- single pallet 11am to 3pm. and i could not hear time when the 8 pallets will be here...
bud has the tractor got diesel???
and due to alot of things... i think it is time for sara to learn to drive the tractor. so there is someone on staff besides bud, mark and me... ( all volunteers) to unload the. truck with the forks on the bucket.. the kabota will just about lit the pallet of dry.. and it will not lift the pallet of wet.. so that gets put down on the ground and hand carried into the kennel,, sometimes if we are lucky the driver can roll iit down the alleey to the kennel door on his lifting jack.. or whatever it is called.

because of this.. please... no cars down in the area--for 2 reasons...first... if those 2 trucks arrive at the same time, they will have trouble turning them,, secondly... if sara practices driving ,practicing with empty pallets you want you car out of there... that backhoe swings wide... actually if i. am driving you would be better advised to keep your car out of. there too.  
ok... now....before any well meaning cp's start with.  "you need to socialize the pups with traffic and elevators" we have done that--- the pups have graduated from that---and if we discover one thing to correct, we can do that------ but for the bulk of these youngsters...---time has come to stop wasting staff time--- and gas----- driving back and forth to malls and hotels.. the pups should be well beyond that--- it is time they learned a few niceties of life that do not require them to sleep for 20 minutes each way to some public setting. when we lost one car to the neighborhood wire chewing rats... i thought we could not live with 2 cars.. yet we did very well with one...... and i can see.. if we had to, we could live using only my car for these transports... might have to clean it out a bit..... the next bunch of service dog training can be done in our own air conditioned comfort..
. and since i need to have my oil changed.... i can do a long down stay or two at ira toyota-- we have one rav 4 left... someone  can swap dogs and  i will just sit.  i am really good at that.... and ira has  free coffee. oil change  is at least a 4 hour job there.  
how could i. forget another. LARGE AND HEAVY------ jami arrainged to get a whole pallet of bottled water into the cellar- whata bonus ... thank you !!

here is a nearly perfect .down stay at the assisted living place... note larkey is trying to see who is taking the picture. and i have jiminey's total attention.