aug 21 2021
I never really thought about it but the last few days I've had two comments about why they read the daily doggy ---- both referred to it as a source of non scripted conversation.. in other words just a head rattling first thing in the morning without too much thought to the whole thing. which brings to mind the creativity---which is sometimes another word for being disorganized---but there is great virtue in brainstorming any problem.. and allowing a freedom of thought without any fear of rejection... because if nothing else it might spur some practical previously unthought of solution to an impending decision that needs to be made.
I immediately have to go back to Ken Robertson TED lecture on creativity
aside from being darn right---- he's pretty funny..---- when he says that American education is geared to producing college professors ---Which I think is true.
He goes on to talk about how his wife can do brain surgery with one hand mow the lawn with the other while organizing the children play time ----while ---if he is in the kitchen he has to have absolute silence. saying “please get the children out of here can't you see I'm trying to fry an egg”
He has some classics like his daughter did not want to move to United States because she had a boyfriend in Britain and Ken said what she didn't realize was that's exactly why they wanted to move to the United states..
It's a very funny/dead on correct. 20 minutes and I recommended it many times- ken Robertson TED lecture education. – that will shake you up for the day.
My point being--- Is someone can be told 1000 times some ideas are ridiculous.. but we are only trying for one million dollar idea which might be hidden. In the pile --pay particular attention to a child’s ideas.. which are so often pure logic unadulterated by conventional wisdom.
From’ ted lecture...
Teacher to child—“what are you drawing”
Child “I am drawing a picture of God”
Teacher “ but we don’t know what God looks like “
Child “ we will in a minuter”
You cannot beat that logic.