Friday, April 9, 2021

april 4 9

gwen just planted my computer on. discovery plus.  

2021 4 9


An amazing collection of stuff for $7.00 a month with no it no commercials ----the whole thing includes the old mythbusters shows that I love to watch and at the moment it beats watching anything on the news ---I've had it

the other thing I've got to pass along this morning is the mother bear crossing the road in Winchester CT there are a lot of bears crossing the road but this is a mother bear with four Cubs and a line of traffic and she she goes across with one and they goes to get another and they follow her back and it really is very comical apparently there is one of these versions of it has some Scottish woman offering a dialogue with the movie which I haven't found yet but it's pretty funny even without the dialogue as the puppies stop puppy's the Cubs follow her back and forth across the road while she tries to get him all in one spot which they eventually do .


other than that

the temperature on Reese did not drop it was a malfunctioning thermometer so we haven't had the temperature drop yet so we're not looking for puppies in the next 24 hours but I do think we're not too far away she is beginning to bulk out


I do have a note that camera person Jan gerhald is in the hospital so we will be minus her words of wisdom for the day she sends out her poop pickers


Also discovered that the wireless mouse that I have which hooks up to the computer with a funny little half inch cubic thing in the back also was responsible for the keyboard which was on the shelf so that may explain why so many times things didn't make any sense because every time anybody moves things on the shelf that hit the keyboard it was controlling etc I don't like wireless you don't know who it's talking to .


That ad for being a good adoptive parents was just on the television and right after it was that one second ad for new genics probably--- the two black jars next to each other ---- gwen is sitting watching that she said she doesn't see that in North Carolina she doesn't see the ad for the adoptive parents and I see that Add all the time both on CNN and Fox News and it just seems like it's on every 10 minutes or so I cannot imagine what they're doing and it's never for this not always for the same thing I did see one the other day that said timeshares I don't know what else it said 'cause I don't read that fast but it's a very peculiar thing  also there is another add besides the adopt A kid lead in  one...  just happened again. "flawless skin". 

..there is another  one of these  leading to a flashing by commercials I haven't seen that enough to remember the whole thing but if everybody would watch it and see whether we get a line on why they're doing it

 which ads lead in that way be interesting to know ----least I'd be interested to know


Lynn will be picking up today a rototiller at Home Depot using the gift card someone gave me to pay for most of it because we have to get the puppy pen ready and seed will take a while. even the fast growing.

 I have some camera people working on the design of the whole project which hopefully is going to include a small teepee as a shade place with shade for the puppies and this will be right outside the tent so it will be on camera ..

 the next exciting camera thing is I think someone is coming today to put in a new  camera for the camera that died so you will be able to see in the yolk house in driveway and a few other things .


and that's all I know-- 

short doggie