Wednesday, April 21, 2021

april 21 2021

 finally a useful FYI.... in the comment column  someone posted a picture of a car with a dent.. absolutely terrifing me....  i thought i had done it.  i do a lot of backing and turning around as i wander in my heated a/c office ( toyota sequoia)  .. there is a rule around here... if i hit 3 things in one day i have to give up driving.    i may live to regret that statement  but so far so good...  if i hit 2 things i better shut the car off and walk home.

this picture i have attached ... is actually a video of someone  using gorilla  tape to cover a dent... then rip[ping it off popped the dent out..  it was suggested you test the tape to see if the paint comes off.. but this video certainly worked well...

i do love my toyota-- it eats gas... but it pulls  heavy things without complaining......and i do alot of that from horse trailer to dump trailers of sand...  the problem i do have.. and it is serious... is the side mirrors are  large and situated such that it blocks cars at intersections and  the  occasional island in the road..
for those of you watching the progress of teh puppy pen.... ben is doing a great jopb of hole digging--- no way couold i use the back hoe to dig these posts...  firstly----  there is a collection of pipes/wires that go fromt hee laundry building to the t tent.. and of course we don't know where.. altho we usually put yellow tape in the hole to stop any digging disasters...  it is better to dig by hand... my favorite is a long screwdriver and soup spoon. to make the hole pretty much the size you need-- in this case if we put in a 18 inch pvc pipe. then we can pull it up and change around as needed...- in this case--- we will try and keep the chickens off the newly seeded  grass with the 7' plastic mesh/"chicken wire"  and after that  grass is hopefully established... we can put in something else for puppy fencing... the official post hole digger  is an exhausting  devil... so much easier to sit on the ground and pick away.. actually yesterday we found that the hole we need -- about 2.5 inch diameter was more easily dug with the screw driver and shop vac the   loose  dirt out.   made  a nice tidy hole ----there is nearly 5" of packed stone dust  where we need holes.
 i hope teh 7' mesh keeps teh poultry  off our newly seeded  grass....  confined chickens will remove any green grass they can find in a penned  area.  however....... having them loose is not too hard on any one area..... there is a clever way of making a frame  of 2x4's and covering it wth 1/2 " "rabbit wire"  and seed it.   so teh chickens will  trim/ eat off the tops  and teh grass can continue to grow  without getting scratched up. that has worked  in a small coop/ few hens  area.

our chickens-- especially teh guinnea hens are living off bugs-- like ticks... with a special treat of dried worms---bagged ... the ultimate item on amazon.
dr pol has been off whatever channel that is-- and there  is alot of " life in a zoo footage". where alot of time is spent trying to provede as natural a setting as possible... and then i got to the ant eater exhibit... where i think i heard they eat 1/3 thier weight daily..... if that is ants... that is one heck of a lot of ants.  food consumption as relateed to body weight is a  logical study from chickens to...   seals...    eat alot of food on that ratio basis...
 we now have 4 roosters... the next observation is "suspect" and yet to be proven...  but it looks like..... if i throw out some bread crumbs .. or anything .. from my car...   the nearest rooster will come and get all excited noisily and  not actually eating anything himself... but all the hens come running from a distance and put their heads down to eat.... then  "bam"  he has them where he wants them. which makes me remember......  there is a yul brynner /king and i  ? speech??  . "A man must be like honey bee. And gather all he can. To fly from blossom to blossom. A honey bee must be free, But blossom must not ever fly. From bee to bee to bee". 
moving on...