Monday, April 12, 2021

april 12 2021

 the   PPP's ..are moving along ---both of them ------the  ppp  application for business help  is sent. thanks to linda--  absolutely critical but not   fascinating..... like the "puppy picnic project". which is growing in front of the t tent... the puppy hill camera should be able to watch the progress---

 which is growing outward from the t tent to th e point of .. can we still turn a 53 foot trailer with the purina food shipment??? while having an official tipi  to shade the pups and anyone who wants to sit in a tipi and play with pups....

pups which are thinking of making an appearence  momentarily... yesterdays r temp dropped to 97.9 which usually indicates puppy start withinn 24 hours.---- also usually born 1 every 2 hours...  could be a long daay/night  ahead of us.
moving on...
i had  several very carefully thoughtful emails  regarding the meeting with the "town board"  and this concept really hit me  very hard during the meeting....and for days afterwards to get a handle on the topic.

I was really distrubed when SDP was compared to a doggie daycare, it made me question their ability to make an informed decision....  Pam. ...silent CP 2012 calif.

it is my fault -- and i knew it was a problem when i started this  18 years ago. local people have no idea what really goes on here...  i should have been looking for more local interest. long ago.   even tho we accept kids for community service----  both from the honor society and the district attorny's office-- schools bring special ed  kids here for all kinds of learning  experiences not available elsewhere...  we went to 133 adult care centers.. we did not do enough locally....   to have anyone even mention SDP in the same breath as the other kennels in town is unthinkable... even tho i personally know of one kennel that is far nicer and well thought out than ours, ( holly's) the entire concept of a servoce dog is unique to our facility...
how to get the word across?    i could not figure how to run a video during the meeting... so i will do my best to try and have you  understand the video which shows bella ( then age 13?) going down the stairs at teh science museum  in boston.

2021 4 12


the fact that Bella is there in the first place is remarkable .. she is on her feet walking instead of being a sack of potatoes in a wheelchair .she is at the top of the stairs with her sister and George .she's very involved with talking to her sister and reaching for the handrail well the other hand is on George's harness the leash and collar or hanging I make these leashes 24 inches so they don't touch the floor because I know these kids drop him they don't need them .she as she talks to her sister she all of a sudden moves 1 foot and George's head whips around and he sees it and he's ready she starts down the stairs and he very carefully matches it one step at a time ... they do about 3 steps and he makes a mistake of getting one step ahead of her and his head whips around almost apologeticly and thanks on my word I must pay better attention which he then does and he waits to get that next step going and he matches her every movement including when she hesitates with one foot in the air so does he then they get to the bottom and she relaxes and walks off with George supporting her .


if there is anyone in Ipswich who can train a dog to that degree I certainly would love to have them as a volunteer or employee ..  but as far as I know there's no one running a doggy daycare that has any idea of where to start ..

and I can tell you where to start or exactly where we start with a photograph of me spoonfeeding some puppies who are all about seven weeks old all sitting perfectly in a circle around me waiting for their next spoonful there is no excitement----- there is concentration ----  they're saying OK I'm ready what's happening ....I'm paying attention and this is what's necessary to start a service dog at least in my book -----the picture of me spoon feeding them is on the cover of the book which I can't even remember the name of but I wrote if it's under it's under Amazon with my name at least ------I think the picture shows the dog's paying attention with the exception of 1 white dog sitting off to the left the reason that dog is not paying attention is that dog is deaf--- being a white Great Dane many of the whites  are deaf but she too is well under control .. I should not use that word control she's very relaxed and joined the group ..  you might note that the dog I'm actually spoon feeding is George the dog at the top of the stairs with Bella .

that's how we start them and that started at three weeks old ..  so the question then is is there anybody in town with a bunch of puppies who can get this kind of concentration well before 7 weeks .. and that photo does not lie .. because we have hundreds of photos with many of the different handlers and trainers who work here and volunteer here with all kinds of litters of puppies------ it is expected progress .

and as we proceed with----- never using our muscles to control a dog----- there are all sorts of little ***** things we do just to make things easier as life goes on as a service dog ... simple things like we do not use cookies for 99% of our training because once they start thinking of cookies they are not thinking of how to go down a flight of stairs we don't even carry cookies except for one place ...and this too illustrates just one of the details that we go through ------when a dog jumps in a car either the back seat or most usually the hatchback in our case---- they had those long tails .. so instead of pushing and shoving the dog around to get the tail out of the way ---what we simply do is get them used to having a cookie so they jump in and turn around to get a cookie this is a habit they get into which is wonderful because the cookie is at the other end of the tail problem and it gets the tail out of the way .. that is just one tiny thing but it's critical to a any  dog . plan ahead...


now to hopefully have more people come here and understand what's going on and maybe learn a little bit about the way we train ---  I am here 365 days a year .. and I will try and be sitting in the yard at 10:00 o'clock every morning ready to drink coffee and discuss training or discuss anything else anybody wants to discuss---- if I'm not going to be here at 10:00 o'clock I will try and publish that in this daily doggy------ if any of you want to come here preferably at least without your dog to start with ----I'm happy so sit around for half an hour at least and drink coffee and if I can solve anybody's training problems I'm happy to do it ..the only reason I call myself a trainer is because I have well trained dogs .. I also have several that are  NOT quite well trained yet which is why I don't think you should bring your own dog at least to start with or until I get some of my half grown puppies under some order..... my older dogs are fine but I do have 3 teenagers who really are a bit much still although to compare those three to  the two dogs that we have here at the moment which were given to us and  not raised by us with our methods the difference is astronomical ----- we have a system that works and if it works don't fix it until you prove that you have some other idea that makes a better service dog ..

I am thrilled to talk about the different concepts ----I love a good argument and I'm I'm certainly open to learning any any new concepts that work but don't compare me to a doggy daycare where they shove him in a kennel ..  our dogs are given as much choice as possible so they can choose to be with us and work for us and don't need to get dragged around buy a collar and a 6 foot leash .

 if any of our  training dogs that are on leash pull on that leash  in any way you will hear me try and correct it we must not use our muscles because very often the people getting our dogs don't have all the muscles they're supposed to


so check with the daily doggy be sure I'm here and then come up and see what's going on --10' cov rule applies here.   there is room....  you may walk into situations here that are functioning beautifully but you may also walk into situations that are in horrendous disarray

 it does happen you takes us as you finds us but it does all  work in the long run


I am an expert in only one other thing -- and that is making monkey fists which I make from zipper poles at about an inch diameter to an absolutely useless monkey fist probably 15 inches in diameter involving hundreds of feet of rope and all sizes in between I'm happy to show anybody how to do it -----it's fascinating and the one inch ones are very handy and they do have 1/2 inch marble in the middle .use that as a zipper pole so when you think you've lost your marbles you have one left ..