we is sold out... praises be !!!! purple board is up... fo r those new commers... the 2100 numbers in the "normal" board... go specifically to the payroll... so i am always relieved to get that number sold out... the purple egg division is for those extras.. and it is a second shatting.. where a purple dyed egg is boiled for a minute, then tossed in the air.. and th closest pruple number to the yolk gets a separate prize.
Adventures of Goldy's Farm in Ipswich MA. Goldy is the Ghost Of the Lefthand Draw who brings adventures and miracles to farm. We are a nonprofit whose mission is to improve the welfare of community seniors and veterans with our rescued and repurposed animals.
Friday, April 30, 2021
april 30 2021
Thursday, April 29, 2021
april 29 2021
2120 4 29
i made i t to the elevator where....there is a line... one person ( or family) per elevator... which is not bad for me with walker and tiny little 150 pound jiminey... Gemini is really good at elevators ----on my left you go in and swing around and he stands perfectly facing the door and panting only a little bit. at least nowadays I don't have to worry about a door opening and someone standing right in front of it who then takes one look at the dog and has a heart attack.. the six foot spacing is not all bad.. and it gives me plenty of room to inspect the elevator inspection sticker.... one of my favorite elevator pass times..
I wish they had inspected elevators as well as they expected me to get in the place.. I know that Bella and George feel the same way about that... becausr
a while ago before COV... Bella s assistant and the school was not with her when Bello got on the elevator with a friend and with George... and preceded to get stuck between floors.. Luckily Bella had her phone with her and called her mother to say that she was stuck in an elevator with a friend and George and Rachel didn't waste anytime calling 911 who then took a few minutes to get there-------- one reason we gave Bella the dog is that Bella does not waste time either turning her head off or filling it full of nonsense--- so Bella.. being a student of mine---- there wasn't much to do in that elevator except look at the inspection sticker and she found out not only was it overdue for inspection but the sticker that it had was a rejection one.. fire department’s 3 huge trucks arrived- sirens blaring....they did get the door open.. and a janitors ladder got the kids out.... I did not hear the details of getting george out... I am sure that is a "one only "story of that fire department.
all of that was not wasted on bella’s mom... or me.. when I found that it is building inspectors who are responsible for the checking of elevators. Both bella’s and the one that electrocuted me--- no one knew when that hAD EVER BEEN INSPECTED --- they only knew that the maintenance had been farmed out TO KONE. who was the manufacturer of the elevator.. but there was a big disconnect between maintenance and inspections---- obviously.
I can not ... at this time get into a dissertation about my life with building inspectors.. being “only a woman” –
--- moving away from that fiasco....------all these kids that we deal with have sn atterndant. --- a person to be with them during school to help them be able to participate in normal school functions--- this is certainly one reason that our dogs are so incredibly helpful because the dog stays with the kid---- as witnessed with Bella in the elevator ---- her attendant was nowhere to be found ------way back when we first got going we interviewed a kiddo in a wheelchair who had an attendant in school who would constantly leave her sitting in the Hall while the attendant writing to an office or bathroom or whatever ------getting left in the Hall like a sack of potatoes so.. is a common occurrence the kids in wheelchairs.. it just seems so much quicker then they have to get the wheelchair through a door or whatever ----- the problem with that first kid.. was that she was constantly getting left somewhere and did not always get taken to lunch ----resulting. .. she was very thin.. that was the equivalent a bella getting stuck in the elevator without her attendant-------the fact that--- if a dog did nothing else other than to stay with the child--- even that was going to be better than an attendant..
The other sideline here was explained very well BY ERICA... Who now has Asher.. she wanted to be a lawyer but was very conscious of the fact that because of her neurological problems people would stare at her she ambled about but now that she has Asher they all look at the dog and not her -----the ultimate result in that was that as first year law school she and Asher were King and Queen of the barristers ball.. and she has gone on to working in LAW in Manhattan where she now has full confidence walking into a courtroom.. with the attitude of. “lookout world here I come”..
cov is a money saver.........The possible exception of the infection called Amazon I find that the COV experience has pretty much been a money saver as I say there is that possible exception of ordering widgets from Amazon which will arrive in 24 hours.. I did find in my last go round with Amazon that they now have lockers where you can go and pick up an order and they are many and fairly local so I have yet to figure out if that means you could pick up something within a few hours or is that still at 24 hour deal.. For sheer efficiency I don't know of any system that does any better then Amazon.. I don't know if they ever got involved with the distribution of vaccines but somehow the relationship between Amazon and vaccines did cross my mind when everybody was trying to figure out how to get the vials out.. FedEx is good UPS is good but when you see some of the details of Amazon you gotta wonder is that going to be our third POLITICAL party ???
as they run around with all their electrical vehicles already... and the poor old United States post office still running around and glorified garden cartS
? garden carts????100 years ago when I was driving all over with crates of rabbits or Roosters I tried to buy one of those Postal vehicles which I figured had to get good mileage and had great big doors for carrying cages and things but by the time they give them up you need more than a Briggs and Stratton engine to keep them running ---they're pretty beat up ----- that is about the time I decided to give up the whole animals in commercial business. and settle down to service dogs.
which is which is every bit as challenging.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
april 28 2021
i always try and find some new idea to shake up this crowd--- last night it was cooking an egg in toilet paper???? nat'l geographic has had an interesting guy swinging from ropes 300 feet over gorges....with unexspecting clients in places like norway or iceland... eating bugs and swimming nude to catch fish... and then the egg... teh guy plus his one client. are alone on these jaunts except for an occasional helicopter pilot...
2021 4 28
A ghillie kettle -- will bring water to boil within a matter of minutes using whatever solid fuel is naturally occurring in the area - sticks, grass, pine cones, bark etc. ! it is said---- by the irish -----that it can make a cuppa hot tea in a minute with 2 sheets of newspaper.
I have tried that .. and it is not far wrong... Somebody stole this chimney concept with a quick fire starter for charcoal briquettes with a couple pieces of newspaper in a short pipe---- stuffed the bottom with a couple pieces of paper and somehow provide good airway and as the flames go up and into the few pieces of charcoal briquettes it does work... the other place that I've tried this general concept is it is possible to take fire bricks. I don't know whether regular brick would work but it certainly works with fire bricks and by putting them in the square and providing the center chimney area open it is possible to get a very small fire going which will cause a pot at of the top of all this to get very hot very quickly. I had one of those going for awhile outside the T tent before somebody stole the firebricks ---- the whole concept of fire having a draft. causes plenty of oxygen to burn. I am shocked to watch people try and build a fire from the top down..... And is the reason for the hairdryer inb the bending metal project....... AIR is the key to having fires whether intentional or unintentional.. Houses with a central staircase over 2 floors can burn very quickly with that central chimney . Unfortunately I know about that one too.
So back to the man swinging in the trees there is a huge talent to the handling of ropes one year at dogfest we had Zach here. he is our tree trimmer...... staying on the ground he could swing a rope.. can land it exactly over some tree limb 80 feet in the air.. By carefully packing his supply of ropes all he has to do is pull on that light rope to feed the heavier rope up into the tree limb after which he literally climbs the rope ----sort of walking up it one step at a time---- it was very amazing to watch.. but that's what this guy was doing in Iceland.. they introduced people to absolute terror.. of both Heights and eating scorpions and cooking eggs with toilet paper.. it's kind of an interesting show to watch and it is at the moment replacing doctor Pol frequent appearance. that's that's how I found it.
I thought a rope slinging set up might be interesting at dog fest.... and now that I have a proper hitch on my golf cart.. maybe a trailer backing up “booth” might be interesting too.
Sunday being shatting day.. I am in my usual panic about chicken bricks. You all do such a fantastic job of donating the $10 for the number on the chicken shatting table-- we seem to manage to sell out most of the time as there are a lot of you who wait ti l the last minute... I just looked at the board and usually there's 6 to 8 people a day who by a brick..
But yesterday 32 people got their number.. and when I look back over the last 10 years.. most of the buying is done the last three days. which is always hard. On. my nerves..
But we seem to get there.
I'm always afraid but there are people who read this. dd religiously.. and don't realize what this chicken brick thing is all about.. so if it's news to you please ask anyone in the comment column or go to our web and click on the chicken and see if you could make your way through the memsic board. And donate $10
there are 2100 numbers every month which will eventually end up on the chicken table where the hens will pick the winners.. that's done the first Sunday of every month----
reese goes for a check up this morning... lynn will do that...
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
APRIL 27 2021
Monday, April 26, 2021
april 26 2021
Good morning! Josh and Daisy enjoyed an afternoon at the beach on Friday. Never has he been able to explore the water, tide pools and shoreline debris completely on his own two (plus her four) feet! Thank you to everyone at SDP
Sunday, April 25, 2021
APRIL 25 2021
i wonder if the news about having to bring your own oxygen tank to the hospital in india... will have any effect on the people in japan carrying signs saying cov is a fake.---- personally... i am pleased to be one of the ones to wear the badge of " i took mine in the arm..." and around SDP. as teh younger and younger become eligible.. i hear comments like "i got the first!!!"
Saturday, April 24, 2021
apr 24 2021
i know more about. grass today than i knew yesterday.. the plan for the puppy pen. was/is.... to cover with topsoil out of brick ends farm i got 2 dumpp trailers full... it is an interesting place to google. between the cafeteria leftovers from harvard and bu. plus the local horse shlt - the combination makes the grass grow green..and puppies very educated...
Friday, April 23, 2021
APR 23 2021
here we go with another hairdryer special...-i can not imagine 99 % of you will find this useful..... but i sure found it an amazing. project to have some fun with..... IN THE WIDE OPEN SPACES. -- COV STYLE PROJECT...
2021 4 23
LAWTONS does big welding jobs like scaffolding and things like that but through the years I've gotten to know the owner a little bit so I just pulled around the back and sat there with my bent piece of Cardboard till somebody finally came out and wondered why I was there---- there was a little bit of confusion because the owner as apparently retired and I had new people to train to some of the idiot things I might have need to have welded ---so I handed my little piece of Cardboard to a very confused welding expert and explained to him what I needed and he said fine can we get it for you tomorrow or do you need it right now I I said tomorrow would be fine I was making great progress so I went away and in a couple hours got a phone call but it was done beautiful it's probably 3/8 inch metal absolutely perfect right angles holes where I needed them and a ring at the bottom for the pin perfect so for the cost of two monkey fists and two calendars and THE WAGON IS HITCHABLE....
Just a small aside I had pulled around to the back door of this significantly sized welding establishment full of large hard working men who were flabbergasted TO FIND A little lady routine at their back door WITH the three great Danes .. Luckily the two men who came out love dogs and were thrilled to have a dog to Pat for a few minutes---- so after I'd given them my piece of Cardboard one of them stayed behind to help me back out which was very nice of him and I explained that if I hit three things in one day I had to stop driving but I could see he was very nervous I told him he should have been there the day I pulled around there with my horse trailer----- it had an awful time backing out but I made it sometimes being the little old lady with Cardboard patterns has the entertainment value THEY’LL go home and have a beer someplace it'll give him something to talk about
WITH buds ability to BOLT it to my golf cart we now are making great strides to being able to get chaos up the Hill ..
I'm going to have to cover the wagon with that blue stuff that we have all over the floor in the living room from pig company I don't know what they call it but it's wonderful it really sticks well and provides traction aside from that---- the little wagon needs a little bit of decoration----- I'm sure somebody will take care of that---- put on racing stripes or something ----because it is sort of a dreary black at the moment ..
so back to the camera person telling me how I could have tried bending the stuff myself .. I never heard of this process but I can see where it probably would work and he OUT
LINED the details with charcoal bricks and a hair dryer
You will need a way to heat the bend area to cherry red and bend them using a big vise and hammer.
The way to do this is with charcoal briquettes (used for cooking food) and the exalted hair dryer.
Using a Grill (or other suitable container) stack the charcoal briquettes on top of some sand in the container to make a ‘blacksmith’s forge’. Light the briquettes and apply a blast from the hair dryer, as needed, until the coals are very very hot.
Now bury one end of the steel plate within these hot coals to heat the area to be bent. The whole plate does not need to be heated, just the bend area.
Keep the hair dryer directed right at the coals and the buried plate end so it is heated very hot right at the intended bend point. You want a bright red...or straw color, if you can achieve it.
Apply additional heat right at the bend point, using propane or MAP torches if you have them. Use two if you can. The hotter you keep the bend area the easier it will be to bend.
Note: Rounded radii at the bend points is best, to reduce stresses. Sharp bends cause stress risers and are not desired.
When it is as hot as you can get it, quickly remove it from the ‘forge’ and clamp the end in a big vise with the long end standing up, and the short end clamped in the vise at the bend line.
With gloves! Pull on the long end and use a big hammer, at the junction of the plate and vise, to persuade the plate to bend over 45 degrees. Use a template of a 45 degree angle cut from wood to help judge when the angle is achieve.
The propane torches should be used to apply heat to the plate at the bend point while it is in the vise and being bent, so it stays hot. Remember, the hotter the better during the bending process. If it cools, reheat it.
Let it cool on its own. Do not place in water to cool. It needs to be flexible, not brittle.
Drill the holes to suit using lots of edge-distance.
Bolt one end tightly to the tractor hitch point with a big threaded bolt , big washers and one or two lock nuts. If it is attached tightly to the tractor it acts as an extension of the hitch. All the pivoting should occur at the trailer attach point at the lower end.