Tuesday, January 3, 2023

 jan 3 2023

now that was an evening.... an oxycontin pill and a piece of cheescake

I finally had to go to the ER. just looking for a pill to to get me through the night so I get one night sleep.. I used to be 5 foot 10 inches...  my whole being is collapsing into probably about 5 foot 6 right now presenting medical problems ---they're hardly an interest to everybody.. but...finally developed into a hot knife right at my waist.. and I was not getting much sleep.. The problem is positional--and I cannot lie down flat because I can't manipulate myself out of the problem if I'm in bed ----so I have been in chair for at least a week and that's getting to be a problem so I went... and very patiently sat there with me for several hours Lin took me ---I'm 100% comfortable in a chair where my back is at 90 degrees to the bottom part of me--however twisting is out coughing is forget it.... laughing is a mistake ----So I ended up in the ER in quest of one night's sleep pill form.. 5 hours later I was on the way home with Janine,  and Heather was here to help ..so here it is morning ,,, and  I am still a slightly drug induced drunk but had a few hours sleep...

I am to go back this morning.... and I am not to. Drive ( would you believe it??)   mark is going to do the honors. Heather tried to sign me up for Uber--- it went through all the details and got me signed up and an app on my phone which I then click and it says sorry we don't do ipswitch or something like that so Mark's gonna get me there I think finding a taxi from North Shore back to Ipswich might be easier to find but somehow we'll figure it out.


Now about the cheesecake... Janine – who had not had a meal in 24 hours.. bought 2 pieces of cheesecake from the cheesecake factory ( a national treasure to be noted also for their chicken farfalle)  2 pieces cost $27.00. and the person behind her bought an entire cake ( 7 pieces)---$100..and there is a recession???  For some maybe... it was a damn good piece of cheesecake with sugared strawberries and whipped cream and beautiful besides it went well with the oxycontin..

the pill enabled me to lie flat for the catscan and then they let me go home... with eight pieces of paper on how to have a backache with a pulled muscle which is not what this is but what the hell I got the pill and we got out,


now isn't all that exciting I may do tomorrow's daily  doggy  on the very exciting chore of removing your socks.

p.s.  i just talked to gwen who knew about the cheescake factory... one slice is 1700 calories.. she warned .. both pill and cake are addictive.

that is your education for the day 

even the fire hydrants get bent around here.