jan 31 2023
Adventures of Goldy's Farm in Ipswich MA. Goldy is the Ghost Of the Lefthand Draw who brings adventures and miracles to farm. We are a nonprofit whose mission is to improve the welfare of community seniors and veterans with our rescued and repurposed animals.
jan 31 2023
jan 30
jan 29
sorry... distracted..
jan 28
ok.... big shock of the day.....
i click on a funny “bb” on my computer-- i must have thought about it at one point== but that is long gone. i don't have a clue--IN SOOOOO MANY WAYS.....
135 years ago when the cameras started.. courtney asked if i wouold mind writing something about crazy acres.. and she gave me some guy's name( 10 years ago... don't ask me to remember---?rick???)---he was very nice.. and corrected all my spelling etc... and somehow. it appeared somewhere.. so 10 years of mindless pushing of a “bb”‘ button and something hiccups to upset it.. ( apparently for just a day) and i have a bunch of CP’s asking what happened and another bunch wanting it sent to their personal email-- which i can do and don't mind, but they have to be entered one at a time. and i have to swear i have permission for concstatn contact to send them...-( which sends them to over 2000 people.. of which 1400 ( WELL 1385 TO 1415) READ IT RELIGIOUSLY EVERY DAY. SOMETIMES I. LOOK UP INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE JUST to see what time they get up in the morning and read the fool thing..
Put it this way.... aside from writing it... and posting it automatically somewhere, I don’t have a clue.----so yesterday, I ended up asking a CP. (sam)how and where people read it. She explained... and I don’t know any more than before she explained –
I need a flow chart to understand all. this. Internet stuff.... so all you folk who are internet savvy ----H..E..L..P....
The other option is to just say screw it and bash on pushing the “bb’s”. whatever they are..
So I--- other than the constant comment list of 1400 people who read this thing—I don’t know who/where/. or why....
I do know explore thinks 41% of readers are men--- I never knew where they got that from... but it is interesting.i wonder if they know about the 1400 regulars that I know about????
Bashing on...
when does a couple dogs become a pack......or a team of people become a mob
My quandry of the day---animal training. ---- get ‘em young and train ‘em early--- like Mcdonalds happy meals—if I was a chief of police ( instead of the other end of that bell shaped curve) I would want some statistics about how many of the police force ( especially the 5 men now “ex-policemen” ) were football players as youth or in high school? Because the hour or so after the “arrest” looked just like football players walking around between “downs” ---- I never liked football--- especially the front line bunch- just huge men to push and shove..... seems a little mindless----with little individual thought.—maybe it is because I am not there... also. maybe excessive testosterone???
Then morning briefing ----they stand the policemen in a line for a daily team lecture ... certainly teaming is a huge part... but we had no individual thinkers – not only the 5 but the next 8 – there was not one to say wait a minute???
The chief—a woman—certainly axed the 5 much quicker than in any other case of questionable police behavior.
I bet they add another 8 to the legal case. They came.. they saw.. they did nothing....
or more women police to the teams???
Somehow there is/ or was a law ( do laws ever become “was” or do they just pile up?) I remember my husband questioning the good samaratin law—about if you get involved you could then be sued for not performing to expected levels—which also ran into ann and I as emt’s—there is an expectation and we were a bit below the advertised job of emt. So we never carried our little emt cards. Made helping less complicated......
SAM k tells me this daily doggie has been removed from the web i know lynn has someone in boston (? at BU? ) managing bits and pieces...in the meantime feel free to pass around my email address ( animalep@aol.com). and i will send it to your email on request. heaven forbid you should loose track of the intensely critical news of crazy acres fallen trees or happy mules...
JAN 24 2023
To list all the stupid things that I've done would take more time than I've got---- but right up there at the top is the fact that last night I was too lazy to go out and turn my car around so that the plow would be pointed downhill---- so now I'm stuck until somebody else plows me out. my decision was further complicated by the fact that Lynn said She had arranged for Dana to plow us today.. So I took that opportunity to be lazy.
You see there is this tree---as I back down it's on my left with the house on the right and I don't think there's two feet of extra room with my car between them.. the tree shows many scars... many many scars because just as you go to go between them the ground tips ever so slightly causing you to slide sideways---- over which you have no control.. it's like a Bermuda Triangle. so I really ought to sit here... I have things to do while staring at this foolish screen...
I hope Dana shows up--if he doesn't it's lynn’s fault.. Oh the joys of being president ---because the buck stops there...you need to be the first in and last to leave.... it doesn't matter why something happened whatever happens is your fault ----or your success----however most people just love to tell you all the things that go wrong.. I don't know why anybody wants to be president of the United states there is some statistics like one in 10 gets shot at and there's a large percentage that get killed--percentage wise OSHA would never put it up with it. There would be all sorts of rules ------as I suppose there are about guns and presidents.
Which brings to mind the latest shooting where 11 people died and certainly my sympathy goes out to those families involved.
what I zeroed in on was that you had one man with a gun who was disarmed by a very courageous man without a gun who was further assisted by a friend without a gun saving dozens of lives. ---why can we not extrapolate that ratio to government control....one group with guns becoming disarmed by a larger group without guns. Thus saving thousands of lives? In 99% of the shootings I remember, there has been only one where a guy with a gun was where he needed to be with his gun and shot the bad guy. Then run that one by the school where you had literally dozens of gun toting people who just did not even try.
So arming everyone does not seem to work either.
Excitement here??? Not any yet... but Janine has lined up the purchase of a load of donkeys – probably totally wild donkeys—for us to train... on camera.... in preparation for a pack burro episode reset to october first....so I am now looking for scout leaders who want a fun outdoor project of teaching a bunch of wild donkeys to be tame( will take about 1 week and 50 pounds of carrots) and then to jog along with a person... that could take a while.... donkeys are ( usually) fun animals.
With any animals ( or humans) I am always afraid of the obsolute statement.
Exceptions rule the roost—the “YES BUTTTT ” group.
jan 23 2023
Jan 23 2023
It's morning and I have a lot of things to do today and I will get to them just as soon as I can remember what they are. Right beside my left ear wedged onto the wall behind a surge bar there are six papers some of them even plasticized.. which have all the passwords the locations and things that I'm supposed to remember and I just plain can't... I can't even find a normal phone number in this mass... and if I did using my cell phone as a phone is sometimes more difficult than I can process either.
I'll give you another clue about getting old is ------you get tired of failing.. as in doing the same thing over and over again expecting to succeed.. of course with the short term memory you can't remember the fact you just did that two seconds ago. as you age you find they're just plain is not enough expletive words of proper volume—or I at least Never learned enough expletive words from drunken sailors to properly demonstrate my current exposure to technology. I should have spent more time with sailors known to imbibe. Jesus
I was a well paid significant computer expert when things were all black and white ,, now there's another problem ----vocabulary- used to be if you avoided politics and religion you were pretty safe----- now there's a whole vocabulary of words which will bring down the rath of the prudence committee made-up of Internet experts. every day that delivers mail I hold mail call at about 4:00 o'clock... where I read whatever mail I get ---and so help me there are days when I have to skip over words in letters that I get for fear of being shut down by the
group of people who fear the prudence committee.. fear is marketable....\
even though ( going back to paragraph one) age should allow me free expression, I bite my tongue and smile and mentally think...... Foff.. ( that is a word in my vocabulary)
JAN 22 2023
jan 21 2023
Jan 21 2023
If I could find some help today I would love to get malarkey working on my wheelchair slash transport chair.. when I have an appointment at Leahy those halls are so long to try and move myself along in a chair is very wearisome.. and I know larky would have a wonderful time barreling down the hall pulling me. but I need to have somebody to work in front of him to start him because I have spent the last year telling him to slow up and walk next to me so the whole business will be very confusing for about one minute until he gets the idea. remember I have the distinction of being perhaps the only person to be thrown out of Costco for speeding and that's back when Bentley was learning to pull because learning to slow up there's a whole another topic. and yes somewhere in my life I have had one of those funny little ping ping bells but like people have on tricycles I remember using that at Logan airport one day when I got way ahead of the rest of the group which was in a golf cart...
I would start the wheelchair bit at liberty tree mall because that has a large area with very little traffic between kohls and the center..
Before anyone sends me advice on how to do this keep in mind you must never ever ever tye any animal to yourself or a wheelchair .
Tying a horse to a carriage takes a great deal of preparation-- and blinders on the horse.. dogs initially need those same blinders because they too become afraid when they are dragging something right behind their feet.. Dogs can be fairly easily trained to accept that---- horses never.. where this becomes a problem with dogs is when people tie a plastic bag to the handle of a 6 foot leash and then drop it. that has caused the death of many dogs because of that same fear of something chasing them.. it takes only a few minutes to get a dog used to it.. but if they haven't had that exposure, it can be very dangerous.
This could be a good topic for the next newspaper article
All I need is a picture....
jan 20 2023
jan 19 2023
A long time ago. I bought a voting machine used in Florida.. I don't know why I bought it but I did -----and studying it carefully I have very serious observation of why the votes did not come out as intended---- basically because of the design of the machine and the ballots... the problem never got as far as the hanging chads---- it started before that.-----. now last night at dinner I sat between the ipswich local news editor John and Doug who apparently writes the outsider page.. and the two of them got into a local vote counting problem of one vote....... my hearing being such I couldn't get into it at that point but I'm going to go at it today ----this doug person lives right down the street from me---and present to him the fact that there is in my cellar a thing that looks like an aluminum briefcase is actually a Florida voting machine ---bush/gore.....it still must be there people wouldn't dare throw it out would they? ----at any rate it's a perfect argument. for the discussion between John and Doug on voting. I hope he carries on with the topic....
By the way I see where there is still one on sale on ebay....i paid $150 For mine... now it is worth. $2500????
Doug writes teh “oursider” column for the newspaper... and he carries a scrap of paper and a pen at all times to gather ideas... ( my ideas come from a case of indigestion or insomnia).. however... his last column had to do with his yearly health exam....... wellllll---- I can save him a lot of time on that one too....i just leaf thru a health care cataloge—and there in the index is a list of all the things they sell to fix what age will bring on .... from eyes-to ears – to teeth- to poop- to knees-to feet you name it... it is a list of coming events for the”aging”
The list is there.
It was a fun night...
betsy happily ate there and then brought me home.... to an absolutely empty house .... except for wanda and 3 danes very strange...
an 18 2023
todays events for cameras...
wallace has ridden the black mare in prep for her to go to her new home. south of the border...she will be picked up here??? today a trailer will appear??? and chester will replace her here for wallace to work on....in the arena we are trying to oscheduel. 3pm. mon wed fri for him
then. ----i will get chester. back up. hook up---
big news.... for hooking purposes...... I BOUGHT A CAN OF WHITE PAINT TO PAINT THE TRAILER AND CAR HITCHES SO I CAN SEE THEM IN THE BACK UP CAMERA.....trailering things from A to B is a big part of my life now... with 4 different trailers.... NOW WITH WHITE "NOSES"
the insurance tree guy due here at 8:00-- apparently my insurance might cover because across the driveway-- at 7am on a sunday......we will see..and we did put up the white fence instead of repairing the split rail... they may have notions about that...------i have yet to wash. the white plastic does get dirty ----- if i spray it with chlorox /dawn solution in the rain... i think..........i will get one of those hand pump sprayers they work pretty well distributing fluids.....
10 monkey fist 3 inch order is being---- "Dyed by Donna"------dark red.... you will see them hang on the kitchen hook.
betsy is driving me to the "writers dinner" for the ipswich news...(?me???? a writer???)
2 basic concepts there---
1. when you are on oxycondin you are dim witted and what you write does not come up to ... well it just doesn't
2. along the way ---- a great deal is --- very quietly----mentioned about the value of news from small news sources-- i believe i heard of a gov't program to encourage small town news sources... welllll.......apparently the value of them was displayed by . a small news source somewhere in new york who picked up the story of a guy running for congress who's name didn't quite match all the sources he was quoting.... problem was the major news sources did not pick up the story... ( is there still an AP wire??)
i do think one of our major national failures is we have been taught in the past few years, first---not to trust news---and second.... well i don't want to go there..... but we are getting trained...
ustabeeeee there was a great burden on the editors to be sure to label what is verified and what is speculation....
so my thanks to editor (and wife) of our ipswich news... to keep us all straight...
jan 17 2023
t Tanners barn has become Katie's hangout she has done a wonderful job of fixing it up... so last night in my insomnia I thought she really ought to have a back door entrance to her domain which would mean moving the gate.. and having the door to her area involve the one post that's still there from when the arena collapsed---we had a wood arena that collapsed in long time ago -----at any rate---I was afraid to tear the whole thing down.... because of a rumor that I heard..
ustabee. there was a wonderful steakhouse on the lake right across the street from where i now live ---Jack Hackett steakhouse----it was wonderful I ate there often when I lived in Lynnfield... and it burned down one night ----the only thing left standing was a fireplace in the corner.. and apparently what happened according to the rumor is that Jack hack it tore that one corner down to rebuild the whole thing ---- however----. once he tore that down he was no longer remodeling he was constructing and as such he no longer had a liquor license and town could not get the permit to build------- now if he'd left the corner standing and build around it it would have been remodeling and he'd still be there and oh how I wish he was.. so when my arena collapsed and i started knocking the rest of it down i left one corner which is still there and is part of this Tanner barn which more rightly would be called Katie's barn//I don't know whether that's true but somehow it sounds like Ipswich building inspectors who.ve never been my favorite-- being told i was. "only a woman......"
My idea pf checking the weather is to feel the back of the dogs when they come in and right now they got white stuff that melts...
The white plastic fence from Meredith farm is looking lovely out behind the barn and replacing the rusted stuff... problem being I'm not up to speed on what the plans are anywhere on property and I'm told Janine is leaving for South Carolina this morning and we have two very expensive very competent young men coming to work on the fencing along with one expensive machine.. so I have a lot of figuring to do quick to keep them busy somewhere I'm not totally happy with dig safe because dig safe certainly did identify some wires but I'm pretty sure we have wires up both sides of the driveway so I gotta do redo that..
and besides it's snowing or it did snow so my first problem was to get the car off the hill without sliding into the tree which I've done many times
News of the day larkey now weighs 170 pounds and he's all muscle there's not an ounce of fat... it is interesting that jiminy weighs 140 and sizzle weighing 150 can both outrun him -----if they were horses we'd be comparing thoroughbred race horses to farm horses or work horses/ draft horses good larkey would be a draft dog ---he's lovely.. I'm not sure that makes him the biggest.. but he certainly is monumental in size.. he is also of the sizzle lineage. which I do prefer especially since most of them look like jiminy... which is a little bit more accommodating as a service dog... not everybody needs the bulk of lachey.
Sara w weighed all the dogs yesterday so that they could have their flea killer--I believe we're on front line at the moment—
JAN 14 2023
I am trying to write the article for next Wednesday's newspaper keeping in mind that I have zero medical training but I have raised horses dogs and children----and in an effort to explain why we moved mo over to Meredith farm, I have gotten into a mental spiral ---Of. what is the similarity between airplanes kindergarten, dog shows, and horse auctions... it is becoming painfully obvious that they are just Petri dishes for various illnesses people in COVID.... children and runny noses..... dog shows kennel cough...... and horse auctions strangles.....----
strangles is an unfortunate name for a horrendously runny nose on a horse usually not strangling any. ---- even though any of those things can be fatal they're not usually.
in the process of trying to describe why we moved Moe to Meredith I have to bend over backwards not to expose us to any criticism about passing germs around.. and a fancy word like quarantine---we are totally aware of quarantine measures in handling all these animals from Pennsylvania--but should we have any in question, crazy acres does have one stall in a different barn that has different water supply different food supply different pastures area and would minimize the chance of passing any germs around to put an animal in that stall. now if there's anyone in the world that thinks you can sterilize the barn environment and wanna pass a bunch of laws about this they are just plain nuts.. ask China about that.. we can do all we can do which is a lot... including having footbaths with Clorox solution when you go into or out of that separate area.. but it is impossible.
we built that ICU building--with just that concept in mind of having a dog with a problem that needed isolation---we can deal there everything is washable
but there again if you think that's going to be 100% ------please go away... and don't fill the Internet with concepts which are not going to be operational.
I have always pitied the single mother who has a job.. and a plan to drop off the child at daycare so she can be on time at 10:00 o'clock... when at 9:46 she notices a slightly damp spot on the child's upper lip quickly wipes it off... drops the child off... it gets the phone call at noon come get your child he's got a runny nose... so she has to leave her job go pick up the runny nose, even though by then the child's contaminated the 23 other children in the room.. who will then go home and spread it to their parents.. this is how it works ----Petri dishes---
not to mention the airplanes who swear they filter all the air being circulated... and then they test the slurry of contents from the bathroom to see if anyone on that flight had COVID...
so I will have to say that mo got movedc to accommodate the two black horses who need training in the arena by Wallace. yesterday it was on camera at three o'clock---I don't know what his continuing schedule is but we are going to try and set up something regular so people can watch it on the explore.org camera.
p.s I am pretty sure everyone at crazy acres has already had strangles... and I believe it is a onetimer.
jan 13