Wednesday, October 28, 2020

oct 28 2020

 2020 10 28

Ransacking Walmart

I would love to know what is in the carriages of all the people who ran into Walmart and ransacked the place  …  what would you take in a great hurry ?     expecting the police at any minute you'd be in the front of the store which always has ladies Outerwear and underwear So what do you do  scoop up 18 shirts for different sizes stuff up in the carriage and  r un ? ..  I mean you you don't get a chance to look for your size .. or would you risk it and run for the electronic area which is always in the back somewhere .    Or I suppose you could run for the rifles but what do you do with this stuff .?  

When we had a horse  at Suffolk downs racetrack and knew some of the people around the place there was a routine where every once in awhile a tractor trailer would appear which would be emptied in about 42 seconds---   everybody would grab .. but they had a friendly store owner who would then sell the stuff for them I think it was Fred's .. Fred would have a sale on televisions or some such ---- This was before computers had the ability to track every set of  hair curlers all the way from China to Walmart to the sale thereof . NOW IT IS HARDLY SAFE TO STEAL THINGS??????  


I was astounded to get the notice from Amazon that my order a light bulbs had been delivered and the notice included a picture of our purple dog house Which is our place or FedEx etc to leave things ..  there are people who would be worried about that but you know with all that's going on around if anybody really wants to know where my light bulbs landed they're welcome to that information .


FY I of the day ----  little light bulbs   

  I have an emergency lighting system and since it's getting colder I better get it organized ..  I have a little INEXPENSIVE  electronic gizmo (? honeywell $19.99?)   which is basically a switch to turn on something if the temperature drops below a certain number ---in my case 55 degrees ..  I have a light  IN A WINDOW….  Plugged into that so that if the light goes on I know the temperature dropped and I can tell from the house .. 


problem being if the light is off it could also be    the electricity is off or the light bulb is broken so attached to the same circuit I have a very tiny light bulb--- three what I think it's A  refrigerator light bulb---  that is plugged oin so that if you look if you see one one light bulb you know the electricity is working if you see two light bulbs you know the temperature has dropped ..  if you see no light bulbs you don't know what's happening and better get out there ----- so my system of little light bulbs I have to get put in shape very shortly ..       By the time you have  THE nUt house , the Deagle house , THE   barn , THE GUEST , LAUNDRY AND ICU.. BUILDINGS    …   IN VERY SNOWY WEATHER… YOU COULD ADD THE TRACTOR’S ENGINE HEATER… THAT IS A LOT OF LITTLE LIGHT BULBS…..

AND I PREFER THE LIGHT SOCKET TYOPE THAT YOU PLUG DIRECTLY INTO AN OUTLET.    One of those is also useful in a toolbox when you're standing at the end of 100 foot  extension cord and wondering if the other end is plugged in or did somebody trip over it .   the lack of one of these just cause me to go buy a new skilsaw because in the middle of a of a project  my ancient and honorable skill saw quit . so I logically decided it had died ..  when an actual fact one of the dogs had tripped over the cord and it was only later when Bud came along and plug the cord in that the saw again worked .. so I now have a new saw ,


One reason I have so many tools and equipment is that my theory of farm management is that when  you hire someone to do a job… -----    you watch them do it .. then you go buy the necessary equipment to do it yourself the next time----  and even if you  Use the equipment once and then threw it all away --  you'd still be way ahead .. so I don't throw away all the equipment   BUT IT DOES it pile up much like the concrete mixer which we just used to stir up all the tickets for the Wayne Gretzky and Bobby Orr souvenirs ..  Having the correct power tools and knowing approximately how to use them has saved us a great deal of time and money .  Using these power tools is a lot safer then electric sewing machine … I would wager how that percentage wise more people are hurt with sewing machines ---  well maybe not      plus using equipment you're not too sure of leads to some pretty amusing screw ups ….   like finding out when you order a truck full of concrete you have to take it all whether you want it or not ..   thus improving our ability to use a Calculator .  Dave Barry who writes or did write for the Miami Harold .. once explained that problem by describing why his front yard had a free form lump of concrete in it …  Dave Barry is a funny writer if he's still around …


moving on with the puppies

I do think it's time we broke them into twos ..   which means that the kennels on the puppy hill side all should be puppy proofed to the extent that the ramps going up into the sleeping quarters  should have a barrier so they don't fall off the ramp ..  that's why I knew I needed a skill saw today and ended up buying one thinking the other one didn't work .. we have a lot of plywood .. ,  screws, AND   drills .. which should make it a very quick project   8 9 10 ARE ALREADY PUPPY PROOF


The other FYI is that when I built these raised sleeping lofts 42 inches off the ground some of them have ramps to them but a couple have steps .. so these puppies get a chance to practice going up and down stairs ..  I've seen too many great Danes they don't know where to put their feet ..on the stairs ..

I remember having to drive two hours North to rescue a service dog I had donated to someone  IN MAINE   who was stuck in the second floor of their house ad  just would not come down the stairs ----  which were narrow and wooden and slippery … but it was after that that I decided that the sleeping lofts well have the dogs automatically practiced thE   concept   OF … stairs  .


Hi  Carlene!

Just wanted to give you a quick update on Dolly and I. We are doing good and staying healthy.  
We are still working from home,  but run to the office several times a week.  Just a quick in and out.  
COVID is increasing in our area again,  so we have been trying to stay out of the public more than we did during the summer months. 
We did go and vote today!! Some things just need to be done. 😊 Tomorrow we have a vet appointment to get Dolly's rabies shot and a good look over.  She was due the end of this month.  
Keep safe and thank you for the amazing lifestyle that Dolly affords me to have.  I am very thankful.  My life is vastly different than it was 7 years ago! I really appreciate the work you do and your dedication to keeping it going.  💕

Brenda & Dolly