Tuesday, March 20, 2018

march 20 2018
i know i have bought 3 packages of  frozen mashed turnips-- and i have eaten  only one-and there are none in the freezer...really????  this is where people look at me sideways and figure  poor thing...  she doesn't remember   she ate  the other  2 packages... which certainly could happen- however....
i remember thigs like food pretty well-- it is paperwork i am more inclined to forget...
Thursday   i bought some strange stuff in costco--- some kind of "tea"  that looked like marmalade in a large jar....--HONEY- CITRON - GINGER TEA--i looked forward to trying it.... naturally... that is why i bought it.. well...i have been looking for it since last thursday- not full time  but on a random pass by the kerig coffee maker i looked around. yesterday---monday-- both judy and mora were on "upper" duty (upper dduty is house, deagle and nutt house) i mentioned the marmalade stuff and how we should  try it. this set off an hour long intensive search- and both judy and mora went thru  sideways  old lady glance of   "are you sure you bought it?" -- MAYBE YOU LEFT IT IN YOUR CAR??
well i was pretty sure....but not 100%  -- this is where it gets complicated---- i remembered teh accountant now wanting me to save every reciept-SO THERE WAS AN ODD CHANCE THAT I HAD SAVED TEH RECIEPT  - ON THAT  VERTICAL SPEAR DEVICE  --AND I HAD !!!  SO I PROUDLY SHOWED THEM THAT  THERE WAS TEA ON THAT RECIEPT-- THAT  just  INTENSSIFIED THE SEArch 
  when judy finally found it ... in th e overflow room filed under jelly--she said her daughter-- when in  korea-- drank this stuff... over there it was USED to stop/prevent --- cold/flu and the whole country swore it worked... maybe that is why costco chose to sell it...  it is a little strange-- COUPLE SPOONFULLS AND THE HOT WATER of teh coffee maker and it was interesting.... especially when you got to the bottom and  teh cup had considerable shaveed orange rhins there-- to be easily chewed---
so i did that ... and according to judy i will now  not get sick....
i may get sick and tired of snow storms-- as we sit here waiting for megan to get back from ireland in the midst of a no'easter...
 but there is a blessing to the cold...
monday---no pam ( watching someone get married somewhere)  no megan... and no cindy...  cindy is an UPPER  who can cook...  and cindy usuall cooks a blue apron meal left over from saturday...

blue apron..... i order 2 meals for 4 people each - and it is delivered on saturday-- all done up in a box with some chilling device.. nicely doen...well  saturday and sunday were lively around here... so when i go the email notice  on monday from  blue apron... ?how was your roast pork meal"  i had again a terrible  " missing turnip" moment-- i din't remember  eating roast pork- but there again........age is not for the meek....
but my logic is still pretty good..... lets assume i did not eat pork--  if i didn't , why didn't  i?   like  did we even get a delivery?

well we had the delivery,, and  the whole box was still in tthe  ups delivery  purple dog house-- and because  it has been so cold... it was perfectly useable-- except for  the  frozen letuce. ---  monday night laura did  tripple duty...the feeding,mail call, and supper cooking---
 that blue apron is not a bad deal-- the concept is great... stay ou t of the stores-- and when you need 1 teaspoon of corn starch you are not left with 1 pound minus 1 teaspoon of cornstarch on the shelf for the next 3 years.  i am told some of the others are good too.

what i am telling you is ---- buy stock in fedex and ups  as teh amazone concept takes over the retailing of  the country and  the only thing left for stores to sell is cigarettes and megabucks tickets---  addiction and gambling.  a sad state...
eve and finn
We had a lovely 3 day weekend! Saturday was errands, finally unpack and clean house but after all that we still got in a trip to the mall and Cheesecake Factory for dinner! What a treat! Finn was a perfect gentleman and received lots of accolades from the staff. Sunday was chill day for Eve and Finn while I did Mom stuff and a little baking. Today we had the privilege of attending the adoption hearing for Eve’s teacher’s (also our personal friend) daughter. Such a blessing for this sweet little girl and her new family!

The frigid cold weather this year really slowed Eve down mobility wise but these warmer days I’m ready seeing her walk a lot more! Today she walked all morning for the court hearing. Took a break in her chair in the afternoon but then was on her feet for all of dance and then even did some swimming! We call this. The OI dance! 2 steps forward one step back but that’s ok we just always strive for forward motion one way or another! Thankfully Finn is always by her side as a perfect dance partner and she follows his lead!