Thursday, March 1, 2018

MAR 1 2018

we are in the process of puppy purchase 
 --  maybe click on "puppy" and her name of all things is natasha.
if you want to drive yourself nutty you can get inTo the vARIOUS "RATINGS "  OF THE PARENTS AND RELATIVEES-- WHICH IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING FOR A FEW DAYS. there ae all sorts of "degrees" that go with teh individual countries dane clubs... including a TAN  which has someting to do with able to do work... no one's relatives are perfect... but i think this pup is worth the risk... i wish she had more color... but on we is a "crap shoot"  so we gamble...  there is one non stop flight from  frankfurt   that gets in boston at 13:05  but i don't know which day yet.

it has been amusing---i have had alot of helpful suggestios..... however.... i have had many   emails  and a few facebook people who have much better ideas.....i don't know why these people don't starrt thier own kennels if they are so wise?????---from people  making comments about the  various kennels i have looked at all over europe.. oh don't buy from her, i have a friend........or don't buy in that country, they don't do health checks   like we do ..... why would you want a dog from there?  one braggiong about the amt of AKC blood in her line which is what i am trying to get away from.  german dogs drool-- (well if you are sensative abotu drool you  better  stick with jack russel terriers.)..  everybody has a friend selling or expecting pups soon..   my plan is to keep looking for a  splashy colored stud pup--   there are 3 kennels expecting soon... and it takes hours to look up the parents and relatives.. yet i know  you can have  HD-A  no hip dysplasia for 4 generations and then have a HD-C- WHICH  APPARENTLY MEANS  NO CLINICAL SIGNS- WE HAVE BEEN DARN LUCKY IN HAVING SOUND DOGS- SO I DON'T WANT TO BREED IN ANY OBVIOUS Faults if i can manage...  i put alot of stock in whether a dog can stand on his/her  hind legs for an extended period of time.... that is why we feed on tables-- i can watch.....
certainly i am all set up to have at least one person say "i told her so before she got the pup" regardless of what  is good or bad-- everyone has said something. luckily i don't read facebook unloess someone emails me contents.--- like  john7210 who gives me bella/erica/eve tyoe emails daily... thankfully...
we are swinging into the new schedule in prep for interns-- with hopes we get enough grants to keep up teh changes....
then there ar questons like---  if I HAVE FILES FOR   
2012  PC  /ck   (pc= public charities report for the attorny general's office-- with $250 check...)  
2013  PC  /ck
2014   FINancial  STATEMENT-- IRENE
....        990  COPY  A
....        PC   /ck

...        PC  WITH 250 CK
..         990 IRENE

..       990   done by TIM

it looks like i don't have enoufh  pieces of  paper for 2016
and soon 2o017  will be overdue...

and i hav a a note we are overdue for an end of grant report for $50,000
imagine that--  we need to write someting for $50k--
tough part is keeping all  these dates straight...  

there is no end...
bentley and sizzle were spectacular at the church yesterday--  this was as she called it " the old ladies club"  turns out only one was as old as i am... i thini i did get a few poo cutters out of the group...  bent and siz wer perfectly quiet.. finally someone said can they get up?.. so i said their names and they popped up and wandered around  the group- until bentley fournd the sun coming thru a windo and flattened himself out there.
lotta questions... so they must have been listening...
it is almost the kink of thing where i could run the newr 1/2 hour video before speaking---  if only i cold get the tech part straight-- small screen and some laptop deal???  add a pa SYSTEM ... ND I WOLD BE OFFICIAL... PROBABLY COULD PUTR "KEYNOTE SPEAKER" ON MY RESUMÉ???
Thank you Linda and all of SDP. I appreciate y’all allowing me to visit and receive Nicholas as a partner. Steve and Megan do an awesome job training the dogs as well as humans to be a team. Carlene runs a fabulous outfit, SDP is an amazing organization that is changing someone’s life on a daily basis. 
Thank y’all for awarding me my gift. Please extend my thanks to everyone at SDP.
Josh Lyons