dog training 201---
calling and catching is always a problem--- i had not daily dogged about this in a long time ---- but i know it true--- big time.
whenever you call a dog you have to be extremely careful about what you do next.
and i mean the first few seconds when the dog comes to you.
it must not be casual conversation-- and it is impolite in dog language to then say "now sit" while withholding the cookie.
you call-- then praise-- pat or treat--
if you want them to sit--- that will cost you another cookie..
rethink this statements from the dogs point of view
"bailey come so i can clip your nails"--- grab --restrain ---and snip
that is a big time mistake..
the proper method is "bailey come so i can clip your nails" ---- a quick all over rub,---ear scratch.. bit of cookie.. then grab-- restrain and snip.
because dogs have such a strong "A" caused "B" she eventually would think the cookie precipitated nail clipping
and if you think i am kidding... just try and feed her canned dog food off a spoon. she loves canned dog food too
she has learned something bad is in store for her
-you walk toward him and he turns away--- you turn away from him and he turns and follows you.. -- then when he feels like it he allows himself to be :caught"
pain in the neck- and he has to stop that. my overnight idea about heydawg is that he is toying with gay when loose--- because he might not get enough free time---
i think you should stop by after work... he will be hungry--- and the weather is getting colder... turn him out in the pond area and shut the gate. let him roar around for a while--- and ignore him--- sit in your car and read the newspaper or something or the tea tent-- just ignore him.. eventually he will decide he wants his dinner --- and it is not warm and toasty--and he will come to the gate---- let him think about that for a bit--- then pull the car up and open the door-- and tell him to jump in where a cookie awaits him on the floor.
you need to redefine the rules...
he has a bit of pent up energy to get rid of--- it is not that far out of your way to stop here for a fenced in run
along with plenty of call and cookie without catching...
i am going thru this now with the 3 pups--" the hats"--- i let them out in the morning--- wait a bit then call them--- and if one doesn't come propmtly, i shut the door and have another cup of coffee. it is usually bentley..
we have has several applications this past week--- if that keeps up our 15 planned graduates will not be enough. both the MS and Fredericks Attaxia groups have been actively discussing balance dogs-- and our name is going round- and finally--- maybe... the VA is noticing us...
problem is how much money does it take to provide and support a graduate team long distance.... like texas... or florida... or california.
today construction schedule..
the roof shingles have been bought-- jim and paul are considering that project today
we are standing around looking at the piece of unused stainless steel chimney on the back roof
and the chain link episode...
and the door too small to get ready made pannels thru
many of these rolls lying about are 8 and 10' high
which would mean some redesgin of the interior walls-- -even to make high=wide
needs some thought--- i will in the meantime make 4 gates
i know how to do thAT now.