Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oct 20, 2011

dd-- otherwise know as my precoffee rambling
so----- it is about poo and the logic thereof..
george is gonna get me for this one..
tucker had  a strange patch of no hair on his whithers-- 2 x 2"  we have seen that before---i am inclined to blame frontline- but they all don't get it....
to keep down the possiblE skin infection george put him on cephalexyn.
which is  at day 10... the stop time  --- probably upsetting his tummy--
therefore his poo's have been more pancakes than mounds-- and no cylindars
  come on now.....we have not had a poo report in weeks-----\
megan asked if she should give him some flagyl -- which -- in her world does great things to stop the loose stool--- except  flagyl  is for giardia    compliments of canadian goose poop.---i think--- i am no vet  which george will verify...
 logic is if the  antibiotic is caousing the loose stool - the cure for that would be more of   yogurt and string beans- acidophilous- kind of thing... 
the science of medicine being what it is...  it could be both-- granted--- but lets go with the acidouxxx whatever  for a few days
we took pistol and pi to lunch at supino's -- mostly  without incident...
boredom achieved with pistol--- pi has a little ways to go  regarding table tipping--- she is tall...
i am getting calls about people coming for the crazy hat day---on Sunday
people are reading the posters...
wow  ---amazing...
i may have to make a hat..
i got 4 extremely difficult boards in place on the nut house- doesn't sound like much except i practically had to stand on my head on a ladder to get them in place.
once there--- my famous ring on a rope-- will help me lift the full sheets of plywood into place today.
there is a metal fence post right under the ladder to the roof---
having watched the extreme ER  tv show--- i carefully put a piece of pvc pipe over the top--  that tv show had 2 people impaled on the same pipe due to a car accident--
 i remembered.
today --- normal i guess
cleanup is difficult on a day after the rain..
megan took a bunch of pups out to play in the rain on puppy hill--- in an effort to get them to accept the water dripping
she got all wet
i don't know what the pups learned
could be she is onto something--
danes are soooo sensative -- maybe they notice we stand on the porch and tell them to go out- without venturing forth ourselves.
paula cleaned the kitchen-  she gets a gold star for courage
sooo come look at it quick !!!