Friday, March 8, 2024

 dd 3 8 

I did get sidetracked watching the state of the union---

So todays schedule?? Run to the bank  and straighten out the credit card bit---- like cancel it.... that td bank – I have been there for many years and I've had one problem after another including one day they got hacked and duplicated all my accounts and both  my credit cards in a great flurry of confusion—

About six months ago I decided to reinstate my card at that bank and specifically started a in account which would have a debit card attached to it.. somewhere there I remember being told I had to have a card and a debit card which I was in a hurry and didn't understand but went along with it and figured I'd just use the debit card that's not what happened... they really want me to use the credit card so that they can get it overdue by one day or charge me all sorts of interest which is what has now happened because they don't send out a statement... so I was not aware..  that I should have paid it by March 2 and by March 6th they have attached $70.00 worth of finds an interest.


so I paid that with a transfer and the next thing I got ---not paper but I fortunately noticed it online ---was that they intend to do that transfer every month..  I specifically did not ask for that because I intend to get rid of the damn thing..  whatever the politicians are saying about the abuse the credit cards have.  no I totally believe it because it just happened to me

 It's getting to be that being Elderly he's taking all my spare time because that go round with the bank is going to take some time and I'm very annoyed at the whole process... because they have twisted my arm to give me that damn credit card which I did not want and the damn thing is booby trapped.. . My opinion of banks is not very high anyway because they just figure out a way to make money without having to work for it.


And we have a a daycare center to go to today. with sizzle and Carl---   and Carl needs some training so today it will be Judy and I and we will be in peabodys daycare center which is very relaxed atmosphere.


and that's all I know

well until constant contact refused to send this out-- i dunno why