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Carley has jury duty---
Jury duty is right up there with the “ I HAVE TO”— there are things one can not get out of..... right up there in the attention getting category jury duty and food poisoning – there is no way you can say “maybe tomorrow”
Someday when you’re feeling important
Someday when your ego’s in bloom
Take a bucket
And for those of you who have not memorized that one yet-----it goes on
“and fill it with water
Put your hand in it up to the wrist
Take it out and. You’ll see in a moment
A measure of how you’ll be missed”
You can google it--- it is worth the read---
So carley fed the dogs early--- and today is the day they get “released from quarantine—but apparently the animal control has to come and visually check them--- which screws up my other appointments.
Next time round----- in this life bit—- one of the things I want to be and then re-do. Is the “animal control” which has a bunch of regulations made up by someone who wants control—when it should be a source for the information on the well being of animals...
So help me--- in my lifetime I have stood with an animal control person while they explained to me why I must vacuum the window sills in my chicken coop in order for them to renew my kennel license...- the entire animal department in ipswich is not geared to the education and asset animals can be in anyone’s life—particularly children....but rather the control. Not just a leash law, but the legnth of that leash is mandated by Ipswich dog laws.. so thousands of Ipswich dogs do not have the privilege of random sniffing and lifting a leg where they want—because someone MIGHT- TRIP over a 16 foot rewinding leash. Being an elder and possible trippee—I would prefer to have the dogs have a slight more freedom and require all elders who might live in fear of this “long leash” to grab the nearest tree so they don’t trip. Then lets require the town to plant a tree every 10 feet in case an elder should need to grab one. Now that would make more sense.... and stop punishing all the dogs for being dogs./
And I have not even started on what a barking dog might sound like at the other end of a football field....