Monday, March 4, 2024

 dd 3 4

I can't believe all the free things I have won from Costco to Home Depot the lows to everywhere--- they'll be just one small packing fee or whatever.

The big excitement of yesterday was  for the day--- I scratched a spot on my leg and didn't think too much of it put a Band-Aid on it and forgot about it till I was sitting there with bud and realized there was a fluid in my shoe which turned out to be blood the little hole had not stopped dripping---  so from then on we try to stop it but  got nowhere And in about 1/2 an hour Elizabeth joined us and eventually we ended up looking for cornstarch which when bandaged  finally did seem to stop it ----so we covered it all up with a thick thing so it would be under pressure with the idea that Carly would check on me when she came in at 9 to let the dogs out which she did and it had stopped fortunately---  the sum and substance being.  the anticoagulant does seem to be working frightening as that is.  It was just a tiny little pinhole but it wouldn't quit... I did at  some point buy some band aids with an anticoagulant reversal on them but of course we couldn't find them at that point, ---- stuff arrives thanks to Amazon... and gets put away before I have any say and where that away should be and I think unfortunately they arrived when Judy was not here either so that presents the typical American problem if you can't find it buy another.-----got to hand it to elizabeth... she does hang in there til the problem is under control....


Business card suggestion did get created in the mean time and I think we're gonna go for both sides with the goldys farm blurb on the front and then four e-mail addresses on the back with.  horses dogs goats and picnic tables ----  Janine judy eliz and we need some device for the animals to carry the business cards themselves.... ?? HALTER OR HARNESS??

Jiminey’s confidence in the world is shattered—he took a very long time to come out of anesthesia even after 2 revearsal shots... I can not say he is normal yet....—thanks to his early training with the spoon and canned dog food... he took his pills without any problem... ( problem would have been scratching the back of his throat with fingernails if I had to push. Pills down.)


Apparently there was quite a discussion online about the battle between larkey and Gemini---  to me it is totally understandable because what happened is that originally sizzle larkey and Gemini were a pack for quite a while and Gemini was pretty much the leader of it--and then Germany went away with Janine and left larkey having a great time big boss or leader of the small pack of he and sizzle--  then Janine came back with Gemini and there was a great discussion between Germany and larkey about who was going to be leader of the reconvened bunch of three and that's where the problem started. I was in the hospital so I did not have the chance to explain to them that I intended to be the leader of the pack so they tried to solve it themselves the hard way and it is still not resolved—This particular battle happened because the gate was not totally shut .  Details details---


WE NOW HAVE KARL---brother to both larkey and jiiney—here as Olaf has  gone to places I have never heard of...—and we  could use some more day care  entertainment----. since I can’t mix larkey and jiminey.....—.at the day care—along with wanda – who may be here on Wednesday??>>> being driven up from “the south”  in a great swap of trailers and ponies....

In the meantime. Elizabeth reports an “awfully large” development in the area of the donkey’s neutered department—so bryan was called back to decide it was just serum and would go away with time... in the meantime he really can not get out in is obscene ---can not be missed.....i have seen that kind of thing before—I do remember a lovely harlequin dane with at least soft ball size surgical site .....


Moving on to vacations—I was thinking of my last—and only vacation in 22 years of service dogs when I went to see sandy... in the cleanest house I have ever seen...3 days.... I can’t  remember any other since I started concentrating on service dog 2001 —it was aa fun 3 days...-------I must try vacationing  again sometime....