Wednesday, March 23, 2022

mar 23  22

 someone ... somewhere ,,, is trying to tell us do not underestimate the value of a dog---
i certainly want to add my name to the list of old lady with a bunch of dogs.. 
he who laughs last laughs best????

i can not believe teh numbers of responses to my rat catching coffee club idea... 
mommy nature is getting back at all the folk who do not pay enough attention to their dogs and what they are capable of doing.
mommy nature is super good at laughing last from global warming to the sexx life of a rat...or i suppose people too.. didn't the bible say that???
i am not what you would call a bible scholar but i think someone said there would be  some problem with lust.

back to rats..... i have contacted 2 people-- the woman with the bunch. of rat catchers... and janine who is wandering around the carolinas
which is where she found "wanda" in a walmart parking lot.-- so i told her to watch out for a small herd of rat terriers....
that picture of the woman with the 115 dead rats bears a great deal of thought. ..i will bet now that the vermin experts. can not line up 
a display of their "achievements" any wheres near the 115 dead rats in less than 2 hours...i have seen these type dogs work- and when you get a good dog,
you have "a find". and it loves the job....
somewhere i did see someone training a rat terrier with a rat in a metal pipe kind of thing with holes in it - training the dog to get all excited about the rat.
and that reminded me..........

 they shot a movie - when i was involved it was called "session 9". and it was filmed in and around danvers state hospital. 
 i remember crawling around the cellar of the place -- which did not have 6' head clearance . in order to release a bunch of 
( homing) pigeons out a small window... with cobwebs.... took forever to get it right with the person upstairs... /
well..... after that was a shot we took near union hospital--- of a man coming home from work... dropped off... with sandwich lunch box 
and they wanted his dog... a jack russell.. to be on a rope tied in the yard and barking excitedly about his return..
the jack russell belonged to someone in hamilton - a horsey friend--- and was really barking at the rat i had borrowed from essex aggie's
rat lab which was comfortably in his lunch box.

and you thought movies were glamourous.???? there were worse-- tho i won't remember them just now....
when you think we are not ubiquitous --- we have a cp from nj... who has offered the 5 sheets of metal for the floor of the rat proof food storage.. what a huge help that will be..... you know.... if we all do whatever we can. we will get great things done....heaven knows the need is great--- there is no paucity of people who need a trained dog....
