Saturday, March 26, 2022

 mar 26 2022

i know i have repeated ... many times over the past 40 years of being a farmer in ipswich. ... what my mother told me at the  tender age of about 10------ if a policeman... with a gun... tells you to do something...  like "stop" ----- you do exactly that and do not argue at that point. however... now.. with a few years on me, i also think if you see something you consider wrong, you have an obligation to bring that to the attention of anyone  who is supposed to be  keeping  our laws adhered to by all.  carrying a gun  does give the gun toter a certain amount of authority of the immediate type. but the ultimate authority belongs only to the judicial system we have put in place... if a police person .. who quite correctly  carries a gun.. were to give me a speeding ticket when in fact i was parked for the past hour in one spot. i would smile and say thank you... while thinking, you ##$%^&*&^%$#$%^ i will straighten this out later... 
question now is how soon does later come.  i do not think there is an expiration date.

there is a long article about the slaughter of horses in the  albany new york times union. sunday march 6th which addresses at legnth  mostly. the problem of the retired race horse .. horse racing is at best dreadful. it is driven by betting -- and when you come down to it...people who are into betting would bet on cockroaches if anyone got that going. people in the united states consider horses companion animals.. which does not deal with the fact that they are extremely expensive to maintain.   even if you have one that  dies in you back yard of old age.... getting rid of the 1000 pound bulk is getting expensive also...- the guy who picks them up  here- was.. i think $650 last time-- he does 4 or 5  a day---( Big truck) and complained that maine was getting fussy about land fills.
there is a practical problem.... 
temple gardian ????  is not quite her name---  i may have some details wrong ,,, but a brilliant woman-- with adhd? who took on and re designed the beef slaughtering in this counrty for . the benefit of the animals.her  observations are sorely needed here....
 brigiet had a happy tail--- wagging pulverized the end of it so it bled all over everything and person... to the point that with a further big bang she really needed to have the end amputated.. and is now the kitchen... which means to keep the peace, 3 dogs... mom siz and 2 pups jiminey. and lachy mus squeeze onto the soffa-- not impossible but cozy...
saturday and tuesfday.  are lynn's days off--- that is a bad thing.  i think she should be working at least 9 days a week....  there is no end  to the chores around here.... which she seems to be handling very well...
and she is so cheerful.( actually except for the time i heard she was icefishing, she does work the remaqining 2 days anyway. ).
dogfest is taking alot of time.... i would love to know what people want to do when they come here for the 2 days... what are the favorite things? i love it when people pick up a job they thhink needs doing and just do it  like ---- i remember the  laughter at the painting of the barn purple and all the advice given in the painting of the laundry...and simonizing of the tractor...and what is necessary for food ( we never finished that huge beautiful cake.)  --- we need input--- we will have these 2 liters of an age when you can play with them....