Tuesday, March 15, 2022

 we are gaining on the rat department....  i am told yesterday  we caught 2-- and i know 1 the day before...

 "the rat guy" told us something new to me......when they set a trap  the rat looks at it for 2 weeks before"trying it" 
so that might explain  my experimental dishes of trial food that got "cleaned up". before they got a chance to show a result ..
 turns out....... that one of the orange ravg 4. was parked up by the house when my seqoia was being fixed-- and now it too has $9000 worth of rat damage... 
so where do i park my new car?????? i have i loaded with rat deterrant... but. 

has anyone studied just when they chew--- like at 70 miles an hour down route 95???  or just at night...or do they just hang on for those trips???   --- i better get the golf carts going again...

next challange... the floor of the shipping container has a new2.5" hole--- teh typical 2.5 inch neatly chewed hole - exactly next to the other 2.5 inch hole they had in it last time.which we carefully
blocked by screwing down  solid oak of a previoulsy used. victor trap it probably took them 20 minutes to construct the new "entry" 

and with the pallets, it enabled easy access "under" to both grain and dog food.. i have seen an owl catch  large rat  in one swoop.... we need more owls? fischer cats and hawks????--- and soon to get the  new. elect fence around the chickens-- we  had to wait for the frost to go.
there are farmers that say this works...  i'll  believe a farmer report. 
we are addressing that with traps and i have ordered tanglefoot...  the impossibly goopy  substance.. while we think about it.   i have used that before in  remote situations with success...'
i am not too sure what happens to the rat. but they are not poisoned and i bet they are not too pleased either...as they drag around anything they touch.
 that stuff is awful. we might stick a volunteer to the floor with the next dog food  delivery....
now about gluing  hearing aids to your head....  that stuff works too.... problem there is the tiny little stickum tape needs to be stuck 
to both me and the hearing aid in the right place-- and not to alternating fingers. 
 i realized today i was listening to tv, and not understanding one word...  i can hear the noise... but can't distinguish any words.
 it is an education i really want to pass on to all of you-  deaf wipes out most communication period... sometimes that is not all bad....however....
it still leaves me plenty to do. 
that picture of  me bending over with the. pup... that matches the picrture of the clamdigger bending over clamming...
. will probably be in tomorrows paper...as teh editor asked for a copy... i can hardly wait....