pregnancy is alot of, fear, panic and relief.... i think maybe we should spend some fun fund money and have brian come and check sunshine ----- the concept of whatever is in that big belly of hers , getting thru and out the small exit hole in her rear is concerniing. how many times i have said... be patoent mommy nature will decide... which is all well and good and mommy will decide in the end ( so to speak) but i think the hunedreds of people watching and waiting might eat fewer tranquilizers if we had bryan come and wave hius hand over the donkey project .. i say "over" with reservation because checking the progression of a human pregnancy often involves a rubber glove.... in the case oif donkeys it is a sleeve....
also reminding you she is a donlkey.. but her husband might have been a horse-- in which case she would be having a mule... or to be exact a hinney.
i wonder..... if a horse gestation is 11 months... and a donkey 12, could that be why she is "bagged up" so early and not going anywhere ....yet... i have always thought the extra month for the donkey developed teh brains-- because the donkey is 180 degrees different than a horse.
in the bible, teh mary and joseph story ----a donkey was chosen to carry mary very carefully after which someone cause teh donkey to carry the sign of ht cross with a stripe down it's back...and a stripe acrosss it's shoulders. i have never seen a donkeywiyhout thagt cross...on a spotted donkey, whenever a darker spot crosses teh mid line, there will be a definite dark stripe... and if you clip the hairs off a black conkey like pockegs, there is a distinct difference ing he hair on that midline.
now w/r/t the moving of the modern world if a husband in the throes of a divorce really want ed to get rid of the wife, he would logicaly choose a beautiful horse on which to put his wife... one slap on the fanny (of the horse) and that wife would be long gone across several counties - probably getting wiped out under some low lying branch.-as opposed to the caring husband who would choose the careful steady but less spectacular donkey.
the things we have done with donkeys, we never could hav e done wirth horses ... from harnessing 8 of them in a budweiser parade hitch leaving them in the street while going into a starbucks to get a cuppa and come out to have them all still standing there, or while carryinbg santa in a parqde, having the crowd swarm pressuring themselves in between donks and under the carriage.... they stood shock stilll-- if they had moved, we would have had a massacre.
a frightened donkey stands still... a frightened horse bolts and runs... standing still is alot easier to deal with... except the average human handling them figures they are stubborn when in reality, the donkey is just saying "give me the facts, just the facts, not your opinion of what you think i should do."
a very carefully thought out solution is hte donkey's specialiy...
somewhat similar to the old person paying for, then taking the food- of an impatient person in a mcdonalds drive thru line... did we not all appredcoate that story?! --
lawn watering continues in pam's capabl;e hands watering sections of the flat field druing the night and 4 sections of the bare hill during the day... i know it is the wrong time of year to strt a lawn... but i can onlyu try with the hilp of teh very nice ... deep well that has ample water that is loaded with minerals and is nearly undrinkable for flavor... it is healthy enough, but smells like fish...
in the meantime th a last year's struggle uner the swing set... is providing an hour a day of good grazing for sundhine.; i had hoped the green grass might start her labor
there is a grass /labor story there- i may have mentioned before. thorobred race horses increase in age on paper every jan first. so they gry andget foals born early in the year... mommy nature has it all planned that a bit of green grass will start a mare cycking in heat. so the green grass of may i producing foals in april is a mommy nature thing... so to "imporove " on that trackers sometimes ship mares south to whre the grass gets greener quicker/ earlier . or a few . less wealthy ( me) try and gro grass hydroponically in an old refrigerator. in a smelly mess of cholorox and green slime .
those more intelectual and financial astute started selling chia pets with a littel grass seed for the window in the kitchen .. with a lot more financial success.
moving on... calling bryan