feb 3 2023
at. least the air quality is good, just don't breathe it... i get soooo worried about the heat in teh "outbuildings..." and the house--- sometimes these heat transfer units have trouble keeping up. .. pray for the gas unit in the barn... we may all end up there...
judy is back from vacation--- and even tho we had no place to go. we ended up entertaining 75 in adult care.. these people are starving for something... anything... so the bar is not too high... my 3 dogs were more than enough. in addition 15 special needs kids got to pat a dog ( larkey)
our "goal" is 100 patters a week-- so we did that in one day ... in danvers..
identify a need and fill it-- is one of my "things" and is how i got into danes for balance service dogs.... everything else was a short lab with a long handle...
identify a need and fill it-- is one of my "things" and is how i got into danes for balance service dogs.... everything else was a short lab with a long handle...
now i am working on donkeys-- they are terriffic animals-- and can be pure fun.... of which there is a severe paucity ---
there is so much .. so serious-- kids cant even have a backyard bunny without the complication of commpetition of backyard bunnies... and when that happens you have one happy kid with a blue ribbon and 19 miserable because they were beaten-- that is why my 4h kids ended up trying to put together a circus every summer instead of a horse show....-- which was just plain fun. which progressed into t trip to the topsfield fair 4h horse show-- to be beaten usually...
----- in my case i had a 2 horse trailer- and more than 2 horses to transport to the fair which was a misery of electrical connections that never fit, and takeing out partitions and stuffing in more than 2 smaller horses... and IN A HURRY TO MAKE THEIR CLASS .
so the concept of having maybe a pack burro run sounds like a wonderful idea-- run with the donkeys??? has all sorts of posibilities...
couple things
1. i am now a member of the PBA___ pack burro association
2. it sounds very similar to The GREAT RACE... which was always my favorite. watertown to marblehead--- 26 miles....was it faster by land or by sea-?? --personally i was 30 seconds ahead of a boston tv host--- i rode that high wheeler and he sailed a water bed.
3. sobriety was not a requirement starting at 4am...
some of the bicycle contraptions were astounding... i think it was the first 6 passenger beer keg ----6 people welded to a keg...--( they now sell 10 passenger "bikes" in hammerschleker)-- i did that bike with the off center hubs ---that we still have---- for that race and wobbled the 26 miles....
they always disqualified whoever came in first because they must have cheated...
it was my kind of thing.