feb 17 2023
From maybe the one lecture in chemistry that I did not sleep through I remember at least the words suspension and solution... which were best illustrated by my mother who did not like to have us add sugar to the iced tea and then not stir it up enough so some sugar got wasted in the bottom... So what she would do is boil some water and then slowly add sugar until she had a solution sugar syrup which when poured into iced tea or anywhere it did not sink to the bottom.. But went into solution whereas adding ground up sugar straight to the iced tea the particles of sugar never disappeared.. so if you look up suspension and solution the official bit seems to have to do with the size of the particles involved.. which is very complicated and much easier to remember when you think of my mother being annoyed about the sugar at the bottom of the ice tea glass.
I have a feeling the bit in Ohio will be easier to clean up if whatever it is is in suspension... Nobody seems to mention the names of whatever got spilled so it must be pretty bad.
I do have one other story about chemical cleanup.. we had a tiny piece of property which was a gas station since 1915 Until the 1980s when we decided to have it be something besides the gas station.. which meant we had to clean it up.
being a gas station for so long they had been changing the oil and just pouring the old oil down a drain in front of the building.. but when. all the EPA regulations came into effect the gas station had to hire somebody to take out the old oil ----which they did ----and those people just took it out to the street and poured it down the storm drain ...consequently the ground was a mess but there was a way of cleaning it up by some cleanup mechanism of slowly pumping the groundwater... Through some kind of filter for about 20 years—made me wonder what they then did with the particulates they filtered out... but at least it was not in the ground water...
it was a gas station when my father told of having 2 or 3 tires strapped to the back of the car and stuffing them with hay ----there is also a picture of him driving his sisters to and from school in a pony cart—it was a long time ago.
there is so much i don't understand.. if you run for office-- president or otherwise-- if you loose what is your source of income then?